Alternative Chat Rooms

Many people have problems with Yahoo's chat rooms, so I've compiled some other chats you may wish to try out. Unless otherwise noted, all are free and can easily be placed on a webpage by copying and pasting the code you are given. For each, there is a working chat room in place for you to try. Feel free to gather some friends and go test them out. I would also appreciate any feedback on your experiences with these chat rooms; do you like them, do you hate them, how do they compare to Yahoo's chat rooms?

Xoom Chat--this one is very basic and easy to use. The chat applet loads right on your page. Requires Javascript.

Tool Zone Chat--this one is very, very customizable from the colors of text and background right down to the error messages! They have many different choices of chat room style, from simple to frames and javascript. This one doesn't load right on your page; you are sent to a remote site. When you are ready to leave, make sure you log out instead of just closing the window, or else your user name is considered still in the room and the next time you go back it won't let you in with that name. You will also constantly show as being online.

Bravenet Chat--another fairly easy to use chat. You can customize colors of background and text. The code for this chat can easily be placed on an existing page, as it is only two small buttons that you click on to get to the chat.