John & Heather would like to introduce their daughter

Olivia Stasia

Olivia was born Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 6:28 p.m.
Weighed in at 6 pounds and 4 ounces, and 19 1/2 inches long,
APGAR of 9. She has a head full of pretty brown hair and
beautiful blue grey eyes. Delivered at MTMC Hospital.

At 1:15 a.m. on 12/28/00 I was lying in bed and for some reason I was
awake, well mostly awake, and all of a sudden I felt like I had to pee, and
then realized that I was. Right there in the bed. I jumped up and went to the
bathroom. Changed my panty liner and underwear and went back to bed.
Not two minutes later it happened again except this time I didn’t have to go
pee and it was clear and not yellow. I knew something was up. I changed
again and put on a thick pad, and then read in some of my books on the
“breaking of water”. After I read that I was almost positive that was what
happened. It was clear and did have a sweet smell like they said it would be.

I didn’t want to wake up John with a false alarm so I called my birth coach
Becky B. on her cell phone at about 1:45 a.m. so that I wouldn’t wake
anyone at her house. She didn’t answer the phone, I left a message and then
our phone rang and it woke John up. It was Becky. I told her what
happened. John was all concerned and I told him with the phone ringing so
early and all, and me being up out of bed. I told him to hold on a second. I
should have just told him what was going on. He just laid there wondering.
I finally told him that my water did break and that we will need to go to the
hospital but we can wait until the Dr’s office opens up.

We went back to sleep, and for me it took a while. Morning time came
around very quickly for me. I told John to go to work until things were
happening, no need for him to hang out until then.

So he went to work and I talked to Becky on the computer and on the phone.
I called the Dr’s office and they opened at 8:00 a.m. Becky came and got me
at home and we went to the Dr’s. My doctor wasn’t in yet and the
receptionist told us to go to the hospital we are going to have this baby. ;)

We arrived at the hospital and I called John on Becky’s cell phone just
before we got there. His work sent him home. He was so cute on the phone
all that he could do is talk talk talk. He was just a bunch of words. I told
him to relax and that everything would be okay and where to meet us and
how to get into the building and all. He kept asking if it was “go-time”
meaning, “this is it!” I told him yes but he still asked me repeatedly. ;)

Once at the hospital I was brought down to the Labor/Delivery room where I
was hooked up to all kinds of machines, and an IV line was started, well it
took 2 tries. The Anesthesiologist had to come in and do the second try. My
veins are low in my hands. After all that we were ready to go. Well more
like wait. The time went by pretty quickly considering. John kept asking if
it was “go-time” and really wanted the doctor to come in and give us the
okay for “go-time”.

I spoke with the Anesthesiologist when he did my IV and we discussed the
epidural and what I wanted and what I didn’t want and so on. I had to sign a
piece of paper stating that I knew the risks and everything was explained to
me. They usually do a Spinal/Epidural, but he said for me he would do just
and epidural and at the lowest possible dose.

We waited and waiting and John and Becky stayed with me pretty much the
whole time. I got to drink Sprite and water. I wasn’t in too much pain yet
with the Pitocin drip and all.

The nurse checked me for dilation and I was only 1 ½ when I got to the
hospital. The same as the previous week. The Doctor came in and talked to
us at about 12:30 p.m. and informed John that this was “go-time” and this
was not a false alarm. ;) She was so very pleased that John was in the room.
She said that a picture must be taken of him. John was adamant about not
being in the room at least when the delivery started. The doctor checked me
for dilation and said I was at 3. Not bad but still a long way away from 10.
She also felt the outside of my stomach and predicted an eight-pound baby.

Time went by and the contractions slowly yet quickly got closer and
stronger. The smaller contractions actually hurt more than the larger ones.
Then they really started to hurt. I requested IV medication, which was given
to me, and it made me sleep/sleepy for a little while, how long I don’t know.
I remember about half of the contractions and all the pain. I remember
dreaming about saying I wanted an epidural and I guess I said it out loud too
because before you know it I was getting and epidural. I wasn’t scared at all
because I was pretty sleepy from the IV Meds and all. I had to sit up and be
still for the epidural. I did what they said. It didn’t hurt just felt a little
pressure, nothing bad at all, the guy was quick and precise. I laid back down
and I was given instructions about the like hand button that I was given that
if I want any epidural meds I had to push the button. (I never pushed the
button) They just gave me the testing stuff first, I am not sure if it was on a
drip or not.
My left leg was 1/4 to 1/2 numb and my right leg was feeling
pretty sleepy like I laid on it wrong. I could feel my contractions on my left
lower stomach only. I also had a surging pain up into my right front thigh. I
had John and Becky rub my leg.

I would say about 30-40 minutes later they were getting me ready to push
out the baby. Everything was going so fast. They got my legs in position
and all. I was in a lying down position, however I was able to pull my self
up with my hands/arms against my legs. They got everything prepped and
taught me how to push. The lady said, “Pretend that you are holding your
breath to swim underwater.” With her telling it to me like that made a lot of
sense to me and I could relate being a swimmer and all. I was told to push
through each contraction 3 times each with a count of 10 on each one. After
about 15 minutes of that and not really many pushes maybe about 10-12
total the doctor came in. She was helping some one else as well as me. The
doctor sat down and coached me on how, when and where to push. I did as
she said. John was still in the room on my right side and helping. He was
holding my foot and putting pressure against it, and Becky was on my left
side doing the same and watching. With a matter of about maybe 8-10 more
pushes the baby was out. But just before that I remember Becky saying,
“WOW! I see the head, look at all that hair.” The doctor said, “Three more
pushes and we are going to have a baby here.” Sure enough three more
pushes and there was the baby. (I felt everything!)She got her head out and
then she told me they were doing the shoulders and wow there was baby on
my belly and they announced it was a girl. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I didn’t
get an episiotomy but I did tear but to the doctors surprise it was a straight
tear and only required about 4 stitches. The doctor asked John if he wanted
to cut the cord and he shook his head no, and I said, “I want too.” The doctor
said, “Wow, this is my first patient to ever cut her own cord.” She told me
that I could come back and have another baby with her anytime. But I had to
wait a year first. She said that it all went so FAST. She was very surprised
on how quickly it all happened. My uterus didn’t contract right away so I
had excess bleeding but she fixed that right away.

John had tears in his eyes before the baby was born and after. He told me
how wonderful I was doing and how proud he was. ;) After the baby was
born I told John, “Honey we have a blessing of a little girl and what makes
this even more special is that you were here with me and that means so very
much to me.

They cleaned Olivia Stasia up a little and then weighed her and gave her
back to me; she tired to breast feed as well. John also held her right away
and the expression on his face was so touching I almost cried. He was/is so
proud of this little girl



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