This I Promise You

This video was so boring that we got two versions of it.

*There should be a rule that certain videos have to retire after like 30 days. Like this one.
*Justin's hair matches his sweater a little too well.
*The bubbles...? I don't get the symbolism there.
*Everyone said this video was "So beautiful!" and all. How about no.
*The song was already being played at least once an hour on the radio and then the video comes out. It came out way too late.
*They're trying to be all sentimental by sitting at the table singing and then you look and see Joey putting ketchup on his food! What is wrong with him??
*Justin's hand motions crack me up so much. I learned them too. The whole "Visions around you" and "Tears to your eyes" weren't really meant to be taken serious were they? Oops.
*The live version got old after seeing it like... Twice.

I can sum this video up in one word: Yawn.

And with this vow forever has now begun