
I couldn't find any pictures for this video. I bet you're sad.

*Justin's little salesman deal is scary and creepy.
*Justin takes up 80% of this video. That's too much Justin.
*His beatboxing really sucks. I know that he can do it well, but on this song it just sounds like he's spitting into the mic.
*This video cost $2.5 million. Where'd the money go? It so doesn't look like it's worth that much!
*Justin makes hand motions for "pop life" and then punches with the beat! I like that! Fun!
*God, they cannot dress themselves. Never have I seen a worse dressing group of guys.
*And JC needs a hair cut. What happened to hot!JC? No he's IDon'tShower!JC and that isn't good.
*Where's Lance?
*I've decided that there are too many extras.
*So lemme get this straight. People got paid to grope JC? Where do I sign up?
*Justin saying "ice" and the "ice" that he's wearing is messed up.
*It is so freaking obvious when Wade fills in for Joey. How stupid do we look?
*Speaking of that, what kind of deal is it to just replace a member of your group with your choreographer? I don't like it.
*The floor humping is too slow. They should learn from the master. [ie: AJ]
*When their clothes change all fast and what not it confuses me. Confusing me is not a good thing boys.
*At one point there are 2 Justins. As if he's not in the video enough! Ahhh!
*I like when the balloons pop because you know, the song is called Pop! That amuses me everytime.
*I sum it up in 3 words: Party gone wrong.

Do you ever wonder why, this music gets you high?