Larger Than Life

It looks like they're offering something, like as in a sacrafice.

This could be the video for Space Cowboy. That is scary.

*I feel like I'm watching Star Wars at the begining.
*They play everything when that ship is going by except All I Have To Give. Why?
*Nick makes a good robot. The color of his suit matches his hair color a little too well.
*I like it when the robots break dance. That's funny.
*Why is Brian like surfing and playing ping pong?
*That girl he's with is ugly.
*Brian's hair looks a little too weird blown all back like that. I don't like it.
*What the hell is AJ? 65 days of seeing this video and I still don't know.
*I mean, he has ropes shooting outta him! What is he?
*Why must that guy yell out "Nnnnnnickkkkk! Aaaaaaaajjjjj! Bbbbbbrrrrrriiiiiiiannnn! Kevvvvvvvvinnnn! Howwwwwwwwwiiieeeeeeeee!" at the begining? It's quite annoying.
*They don't show much of Howie... Which is a good thing.
*Those dancers in black with Howie are very annoying. It makes no sense whatsoever!
*Kevin is The Man in this video.
*He is so proud to drive that space ship. You go baby!
*I like it when Kevin pushes the imaginary buttons.
*Why must they have that annoying red-haired dancer? She very annoying!
*I like the "Can't you see, can't you see" dance. It's cool.
*Kristen & I learned the part of it that goes with the lyrics. Such as the pic above, from the line "All you people..." Oh yeah, we rock!
*The other dancing is good too.
*At the end, they stand with a Whodaman look and AJ nods his head to the ceiling. That part is good.
*I hate it how they're all in black though, you can't tell them apart from the dancers.

I never understood this video. The video should've gone with the song -- you know, it could've had something to do with the fans.

And that makes you larger than life!