In My Pocket

Anyone know of a good site for Mandy pics? I can't find one, as you can see.

When Mandy takes it to the next level, she takes it to the next level. Cool.

*First of all, the song is really good. It's a really unique sound.
*Her hair is ugly. It looks like a mullet. Not good.
*I love the whole finger thing. That must've been fun to do. And it looks really different.
*The setting in a Middle Eastern country is cool. But what country are they supposed to be in? I don't get it.
*She's got the Britney and Christina hand-rubbing-face thing down. It must be some unwritten law to do that in your video now.
*Her pants don't match her shirt. Fun fact.
*She got much better at enunciating in this video than in Candy. She's not sounding out every word anymore. Good job.
*I hate the look she gives after the guy dancers rub their chest... In the middle of the song. You know what I mean? It's really annoying.
*What is she supposed to be? A princess?
*I like her shirt. Even if it doesn't match her pants.
*The fan and hands waving in front of her face... What is that? I don't get it.

Nothing but pennies in my pocket, nothing but faith to keep me warm.