All I Have To Give

Howie: "Damnit Brian, why'd you have to take the chair again?

This is the video that made me a fan. The video I watched everyday during my teenybopper days. Ah, the good times. Anyway, onto the review.

*Okay why is Nick standing up against the wall with a light on him? It looks like he's being questioned or something.
*Who is swinging around the hat? Me like.
*What did NSYNC think of this video? "It's very um... bright." Nice one guys.
*How come in Europe they got the part with the water? I want the water! The water is funny. ::evil glare::
*Brian can't just stand by the microphone like every other person, he must take advantage of the chair.
*This song makes no sense. Why? We know that Nick does "Have a fancy car" and would never "Walk a thousand miles" for anyone.
*"Does his gifts come from the heart?" "Does his friends get all your time?" I don't know, does they?
*The hat dance is cool. Although, Kevin & Brian are both in blue. Yes, different shades you may say, but I think one of them could've been in -- Oh, let's be creative -- orange?! Scratch that. Neither of them would look good in it, and Nick wears it just not in that scene. Carry on.
*When they're singing the chorus Nick tries to trip Howie. Or so I've heard. I have yet to see it cause once I found this out, the video was retired. Damn.
*AJ, yellow + hot green = a major fashion no-no. Got it?
*AJ has 2 berrets in this video. Feeling French Alex?
*I know I already said this, but who brought up the color scheme? Give him a pat on the back. I really like seeing them in some color for once.
*Nick acually had a pretty good dye job. You can't see his roots yet. What happened?
*Brian still looks the same. ::sigh::
*Would it really hurt Brian to smile?
*But not like Nick's "I'll be there to make you smile" smile. That is just cheesy beyond belief.
*For the love of god, let the turtle sing! All they let him do is bob his head. Look closely and you will see he does the signature Turtle Head Bob. Power to the turtle!

Interesting video. Basically they just walk around in a room and rest in chairs. They do the hat dance which I enjoy. Overall, I like it.

But love is all I have to give...TO YOOOU