Root Causes of Global Terrorism
Toward The Compassionate Global Society -

Although it is unknown whether the nature of human conflict resulting in the horrific events of New York and Washington, DC was contemplated by  founders of the Conflict Research Consortium (CRC), CRC principles enunciated for conflict resolution are plainly of demonstrative value in this unprecedented crisis and can be pursued concurrently with the prosecution of justice to its ultimate, preferably non-military, conclusion.  Histories, written and interpreted by humans, describe "Holy Wars" which pale when compared with a declared "Jihad" involving modern-day technology and infrastructure.

Conflict resolution approaches (made an integral part of early childhood education) rightly stress that the short and long-term interests of disputants are best served by the mutual seeking of commonalities singular to each side.  Commonalities uniting science, philosophy and religion in the post-Darwin era are potential catalysts for unity and reconciliation within the global community, for cultural engagement of the constant of human empathy and compassion, for global water equilibrium, for recognition  of  the correlation between diet and war, for improved understanding of cosmic genealogy, for humankind to become consciously and creatively involved in all facets of the generational continuum (of generations - by generations - for generations), for a world summit on societal sustainability . . . . .   It is relevant to note that the Golden Rule (itself a commonality predating Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is central to all major religions including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 

Twenty-first century conflict resolution on the basis of commonalities applicable to each, to all humanity, and to the generational continuum, will most certainly embrace a oneness-of-life perspective upon which all progress in human enlightenment depends - a perspective fundamental to addressing root causes of global terrorism.

This is the message that must be taken to the very few of our species who have chosen to adopt the terrorist philosophy:   that the whole of humankind, engaging the constant of human empathy and compassion in united commitment, might together move in step toward The Compassionate Global Society - (a) a healthful, sustainable environment for every planetary citizen, (b) universal health care, publicly supported, (c) education for all based upon individual capability, (d) creative/productive employment for every citizen, (e) financial security upon completion of work career.

Conflict Research Consortium (CRC)

"The Golden Rule is a natural consequence of the recognition of the unity of being" (Esme Wynne-Tyson, The Philosophy of Compassion, Centaur Press, 1970).
International Institute for Humane Education
Forelaws Homepage
Diet and War
          Pale Blue Dot (Carl Sagan)
Kepler Mission (NASA)
last edited 12/26/02
Cosmic Genealogy
The DEMOCRATHON Process - Societal Oversight
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The Positive Generational Constant (Human  Empathy and Compassion)
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