The Swastika
( The truth lies here... )
The Swastika is an ancient one. Dating back further than the Ankh (the Egyptian symbol, which is about 3,000 years old). The Swastika is a symbol of good fortune. It has been used all across the world. Even those civilizations that didn't know others existed. You can see it on Native American art works, Buddhists use it and Indians as well. Found also in Greece, Turkey, India, Japan, Southern Europe.... Many people believe this symbol to be of evil because the Nazi's used it. The Nazi's just abused it! Oh come on! Hitler was crazy to begin with! And if the swastika was Hitlerific, it would be in the center of a circle. The meaning hasn't changed, as some people believe. It still represents the same thing: good fortune. I have included some good sites in which these will explain it further:
GERMAN: hakenkreuz
BRITAIN: fylfot
LATIN: cruz gammata
GREEK: tetraskelion or gammadion
INDIA: swastika
Found in China on silk. The strange figures with tails are comets. About 2,300 years old.
Used in North America in the north, central and southern part. ( this was found in a Mississippian burial mound ) The rattle snakes are spirits that are surrounding our Milky Way.
The Ankh, the Egyptian symbol which means life.
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