
My Personal Email |  Remember September 11th |  My Cats |  See me Live

My Yahoo Webcam |  Slide Show |  Read Terms And Conditions |  Email Webmaster.

Hi! My name is Stacy. I am a college student at Davenport University in Grand Rapids Michigan. I am studying to become a Webmaster.

Please navigate through all my pages and watch as the learning sprouts the webmaster in me! I would love any input so feel free to send an email at anytime.

You need a webpage done? Well there is a link for that to! Just look above at "Email Webmaster".

You want to see the person behind the page? Than click on the "See Me Live" link above. Here you will be able to see me on live camera as well as enter into my own private chat room. Hope to see you there.

Enjoy navigating from page to page to take a peek into my life and my web page development. Enjoy!

"It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, that gives happiness." - Thomas Jefferson

Image of husbandMy Husband

The greatest thing that ever happened to me.

My joy, my inspiration, and my every happiness.

May our love last eternally.

I love you!

My Personal Email |  Remember September 11th |  My Cats |  See me Live

My Yahoo Webcam |  Slide Show |  Email Webmaster.