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In a perfect world, Craig would be...

...sportscasting on ESPN The Daily Show the Late Late Show my room wearing nothin' but a smile


Hello and Welcome

You're asking, "Who exactly is Craig Kilborn?" Well, a quick bio: Craig is the multi-talented, "preternaturally self-confident, 6'4" blond" former anchor of ESPN's SportsCenter and Comedy Central's The Daily Show. Acting as the current host of CBS' Late Late Show, Craig's often been described as "witty and sardonic," "charismatic," a person having the "sex appeal of a strapping farm boy and the droll style of a prairie wit." In other words, a man after my own heart...yeah, a bit sappy, but accurate.

And you've stumbled across my humble little site dedicated to him. So sign in, sit back, and get ready for some therapy made especially for the Kilborn deprived.

Friday, December 7, 2001

The numbers are in. Letterman, Kilborn Enjoy Strong November Ratings. Good job, guys.

Monday, October 22, 2001

Hey kids...I'm baaack. Yeah, finally. I have some very sweet old school stuff for everybody. Thought some of you might like to have Comedy Central's Dancing Craig Screensaver. I love that thing. Thanks to Sarah for helping me obtain a copy since I lost mine. I also have video to go along with the sound clips of some of the old Daily Show promos in the multimedia section. They are so is good, but having video to back it up is even better. They're on my computer back home, so I'll get my brother to email them to me and I'll post them here.

Oh yeah, totally unrelated to Craig, but--Ben Folds' Rockin' the Suburbs. You must have this.

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