My name is Sarah. I live in Texas in the US. I'm about 4'10", short light brown hair(it's curly) and blue eyes. I am 18 years old and a freshman at Texas A&M. I love Jesus Christ with all of my heart. He is my wonderful Lord and I can't wait to see Him face to face and spend all eternity praising Him.

I go to Central Baptist Church. I am very active in it and in many youth activities. The school is at the church or the church is at the school(which ever you're more affiliated with) so I practically live on campus. I go to church every Sunday with our pastor, Mark Westerfield; Powerhouse(our youth worship service) every Wednsday night with our youth pastor, Allen Frans

Now, to steal a line from Allen, "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a Big-Mac." It is completely true. The fact that I do all these church activities and act like a "good girl" isn't what makes me a Chirstian. My faith in Christ as the Lord of my life and my Savior does. He is my true Love. He is ALWAYS first in my life. I would give anything or anyone for Him if He would ask. I'm not trying to say the right "churchy" things here. Anyone who knows me well enough would(hopefully) tell you I'm telling the truth. I love Jesus!!!! Woohoo!!!

My best friend in the world is Ashley. She is so sweet and is one of the funniest people I know. She is a junior at RRCA and a great Christian girl. She loves photography and music. She wants to go to Texas A&M just like me! She's also very artsy. She makes like all of her gifts and they're better than what I manage to buy. Thank you Ashley for sticking with me even when I'm a moron.

And I would like to mention every other friend in my life, but you know how long that would take and how many people I'd miss? A whole heck of a lot. So, if you're name starts with a letter in the alphabet... I LOVE YOU!! So does Jesus!