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The Training Page

Training is a very important part of your horse's career (and dog's too!). We have a wide variety of training available too. If want you're looking for isn't here email me and I'll add it. Training at FLH works like this: You send me an email telling me your name, your horse's name, it's stats, and what training class and level you'd like it trained in. Also send a check for the training! Oh, and in the email, put "training" in the subject, or your email will be discarded. When your horse has completed the level of training (after 2 weeks), it will get a * in front of its name, and I'll email you. Put this star before its name when you enter it in shows or races. If you place in the show or race, you get 5 more points for every star. The more stars, the better! After your horse has completed the first level, if you'd like to continue, send me another check and I'll continue training as long as you continue emailing and paying me, until it has reached the top level. Got it? Oh, and only ONE training class per 2 weeks, per horse! In other words, your horse can only be trained in one class at a time. NO adding stars when your horse hasn't been trained - that's cheating!! Ok? :-)

Checks should be written like this:
To: Blair
From: (your name)
For: (training class and level)
Amount: $

Questions? Email Blair

Available Training:

***If levels aren't specified, then there is only 1***


Show Halter
$30 (Levels 1,2,3)

Flat Racing - $55
SteepleChasing - $55
(Levels 1,2,3,Intermediate,Advanced & Professional)
Harness Racing - $55
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv & Pro)
Barrel Racing - $55
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv & Pro)

$55 (Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv, & Grand Prix)

Show Jumping - $55
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv, & GP)
Cross Country - $45
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv, & GP)
Eventing - $50
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv, & GP)
Hunter - $35
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv, & GP)

$55 (Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv, & Pro)

$45 (Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv, & Pro)

Jumping - $45
(Levels 1,2,3)
Flat - $30
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv)

Flat - $25
(Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv)
Trail Riding - $35
(Levels 1,2,3)

Dog's Agility
$50 (Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv)

Dog's Showing
$55 (Levels 1,2,3,Inter,Adv)

Dog's Housetraining

Check the Training List
to see who's being trained

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Last Updated - Feb. 2, 2003