If you have reached this page that means that SonKikyo's Fanwork Sanctuary is completely gone. Why you ask? Here are the reasons:

1) School

2) Geocities sucks majorly and I'm fed up with using it. Next time I'm getting a domain... once I become employed that is.

3) I don't really care for the way I've been perceived through my fanworks. I also really really really hate people who demand updates on my fics and tell me it's my obligation to make them happy. Uh.. no.

4) I have barely 5% intrest in DBZ now.

5) No one was really visiting it anyway, save for a few friends whom I am very sorry for disappointing you.
I apologize to those of you in advance who began writing for the contest. For wasting your time, you have my permission to e-mail me and bite my head off about it. Heh, I remember the last contest I had that five people entered... including myself. I'm not going to run a site very little people pay any mind to, especially on a page builder as cheap and shitty as this one. People constantly complaned of things over-lapping. Nothing over-lapped on my comp, but then again maybe that's just geoshities living up to it's name.

Keep in touch if you actually care what plans I have in the future for Version 2.0 of my fanfics. You'll have to be a major Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gravitation, and Gundam Wing fan though. Again, sorry to those of you whom I may have disappointed (though I doubt there's any)

Yours Truly,