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Flamenco Shows in the San Francisco Bay Area
Weekly shows

One Time Shows


Flamenco Links and Resources
Email Calendar:

A monthly email calendar is sent out highlighting upcoming "one time shows." To join the
Flamenco Shows emailing list simply send and email to with "subscribe" in the subject line. To end your subscription, send "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
Show listing Submission:

Please send San Francisco based Flamenco information to keep this page a current calendar and resource. For show listings, please format, simply, in text only. Include Artist, Troupe or Company name, event title, a brief description, place, date, time, cost, venue address and telephone number.Also send your flamenco links. Mp3s, Company Sites, Artist sites, Class sites, store sites etc.This is a site maintained voluntarily so please limit your submissions to only information about the SF Bay Area Community.
        Send information to

Flamenco Shows in the San Francisco Bay Area is intended to be a comprehensive resource of the Bay Area's immense Flamenco Community.The site is designed to list current show information submitted from the Community itself.

Thanks to Yahoo for the free site. Thanks to all who have helped start this project. Thanks to all who have and will submit listings. Special thanks to Nina, who in a simple trusting move jump started this project.

Jason ~

Site created by Jason Engelund, July 2001.
Copyright Control.