Vengeance Incorporated is an Honor PK Guild in the world of Darktide. The following are the rules of the Guild:

1. All Guild members must be of at least the 30th level with exception of rerolls and mules.

2. Wanton newbie slaying should be avoided.

3.Members must verify that any new vassals they take are not on the clan KOS list

4. No inapropriate trash-talking after fights i.e Spamming someone or racial insults.

5. Portal logging, open air logging, /lifestoning to avoid PK death is not allowed under any circumstances. If you need DIs I have 2 mules full of extras.

6. All new vassals must read and agree to these rules before joining the Guild.

7. No playfighting or spamming at the LS

8. Anyone found in violation of  rule 5 will be broken from the clan immediatly. Breakers of the other rules will recieve one warning before being broken.
Useful Links
Message Boards
Xp Chain