Thank you for visiting us here at Enchanted Images, since this is something new for us you will want to check back often for updates. As you can see, I've been changing the look on the site and will continue to make other necessary changes as they occur. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us through the email link at the bottom or sign our guestbook. 

Enchanted Images is proud to announce that Jim Hecker, from the T.V. show Soul Mechanics, will be making a special appearance at Spirit Day 2003. Jim Hecker is also a regular guest on the Barry and Andy Morning Show, Wednesday mornings, on 96.1 KLPX.

Fibra Kania will be joining us in sponsering Spirit Day 2003. Please take a few minutes to check out their website for more information on who they are and what you can expect to see at Spirit Day 2003.

Our newest confirmations for this year's event include: Desert Moon Fire  D.C.S.G Tucson Grove, Cosmic and Groovy Imports, The Crystal Countess, Green Mother, Purple Moon Studios, Home Made Gourmet, Avalon Magic Products, Wrong Mountain Basket Works, T.A.W.N., Goddess Parents and Spiral Scouts. .

We are also pleased to announce that Rik Johnson and friends will be performing an open Ostara ritual to begin at 6:15 pm. Also on the list of venders are:  Morgan Canady, Spirit In Action Center, Tucson O.T.O/Az. Thelema, Autumn Lair, Coven of Sacred Stone People, Out of the Broom Closet, Sugar and Spice, JC Morgan, Boofolo Beads, Moonshadow, Judith Jackson, Healing From The Heart, Aikido at The Center, Tucson Police Department, Fibra Kania, International Foundation of Bio Magnetics, Rocking J Leather, Out of My Gourd. Lucy Lipschitz, of Astarte Danse Troupe, and friends will also be there performing.  For those of you that are interested in gourd art or perhaps are not sure of what exactly gourd art is, please click
Out of My Gourd. I now have Margot's webpage done so please take a few minutes to look around and see examples of what you will find at Spirit Day 2003.

The event date will now be March 29th, 2003, the time and location however will remain the same as last years. We have decided to put both the Merchant and Non-Profit applications, the event flyer as well as a flyer from my own personal business, SinTara's Tattooing, into one distribution packet. We also have added another page that will have a map of Reid Park that will show you exactly where we will be. Please go to the events section where you can view as well as print the map.

Spirit Day III printable flyer