Humor Page:
How to tell if you are obsessed with Sailor Mars
1. When you pass notes during school, you sign it Sailor Mars or Raye
2.You try to convince your friends that you are from the Mars  Kingdom
3. You've taken on the role of a new Sailor Scout and pretend to save the world
4. On all of  your school assignments, you put down the name Raye, instead of your real name
5. You move to another school, just so that you can convince people that your name is Raye, and that you are a Sailor Soldier.
6. You invite all your friends over to watch you as you stare into the fire and read the flames.
7. You tell the guy you like that you know he and you are destined to be together because you can read his mind at times
8. You go out and replace your wardrobe with temple robes
9. You save all your money so that you can become a Temple Priestess.
*More later. Still under construction sowy*