In Remembrance

This page is dedicated to the heroes of September 11, 2001.
To the friends and families of the victims, you and your loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers.
To the heroes who rushed to the aid of the fallen, placing your own lives at risk to help others, we aspire to be as brave and wonderful as you.
To the soldiers who, even now, are making sure that the ones who are responsible for these cowardly acts face the justice they deserve, we salute you.
To the sniveling cowards who planned and helped bring about these dastardly acts, you will be brought to justice!

The following poem was written by a very talented friend of mine. She has given me permission to post her work on this page. Thank you Patty.


The Pile: A Tribute to the Fallen Heroes of 9/11

My brothers' souls are here
Beneath the pile at my feet.

I draw nearer to the candle,
My tears extinguishing its delicate flame.

My heart is heavy
With the burden of surviving.

One question always on my mind.
Why wasn't I there in time?

They tell me I'm the lucky one,
But I think they are wrong.

Luck is a relative term,
Looking into your fallen brother's eyes.

The flag still flies next to me,
Where we placed it that day.

A stark reminder to the world,
America – the strong – the brave.

My brothers' souls are here,
Beneath the pile at my feet.

As we pull them free, I pray
Please God, hold them close as they sleep.

Patty Schramm
©   1/19/02


You too can become a hero. All you need to do is give. Monetary gifts are always welcome and needed, but your time is needed too. Volunteer if you can. Contact your local Red Cross or click on the banner below to go to their website. Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated.