Roundtop Riders Association
Check out the forum for the latest news.
Think a season pass at Roundtop is a bargain. Scroll down to find out.

(Oh yeah, Roundtop management can STILL kiss my ass)
RRA originally formed out of frustration with Roundtop ignoring the needs of the hardcore customer.  Well, after 2 years of solid inprovement, a new management team has undone what was looking like a promissing freeride scene at Roundtop. What has emerged is a total lack of committment to pipes and parks at the mountain. This past season (2005-2006) represented a reversal of at least 5 to 10 years of progress toward  good pipes and parks.

It is pretty clear that Roundtop neither wants nor appreiciates the freerider's business, and as a result, I would urge everyone who visits this site to boycott the 2006-2007 season. Don't buy a pass or visit Roundtop, and more importantly, urge as many friends as possible to boycott Roundtop  as well. Mountains like 7 Springs, Bear Creek and Mountain Creek do appreciate our business and THEY should be rewarded. They are also much cheaper than Roundtop.

What I'd like to do is to compile a list of names and contact information of as many people as possible. There are no dues or anything like that. The main goal of RRA will be  to provide Roundtop with a source of information they can use when making pipe or park decisions. To join, just send me an email at the address noted. 
Check out the discussion forum to the left for pipe and park issues.
Slanted Ground

Click Above for the Discussion forum to see the latest news and rumors.
Mountain Creek
Phil's Skier Site. Check it out.
Hucking  Watus--Worth a Look!!