
Valgaav was originally an Ancient Dragon, one of the many races of dragon.   His race was the strongest of all the races.   They chose to stay out of the fight between the gods and monsters, and it was to cost them their lives.   When they wouldn't join their cause, the Gold dragons set out to destroy the Ancient dragons.   They did except for one.   Val was able to escape, but he was slowly dying.   As he waited to die he meet Chaos Dragon Gaav.   Gaav offered him another chance at life if he would serve him.   Val took his offer.   Gaav turned Val into a mazuko and gave him his new name of Valgaav. 


After Lina and the gang helped kill off Gaav, Valgaav swore revenge on her.   He is the main villain in Try, and he does a good job at it to.   He joins forces with an over-worlder called Almace and begins to gather the five dark star weapons.   The sword of light is one of this weapons and as fate would have it, the sword belongs to Gourry.   So Valgaav tries to kill two birds with one stone, get the sword of light, and kill Lina Inverse.   Valgaav ends up bringing the dark lord DarkStar into this world and merges with him.   But, as always the slayers crew saves the world from destruction.   When DarkStar is destroyed Valgaav is reborn and put into a dragon's egg until he hatches.   Fillia takes care of him from then on.

Webmaster's Notes:  Valgaav was a good villain.   He had a reason to do the things he did, not just that he wanted to do them.   Even if revenge is an old plot pull it still can make an interesting story.   His story also shows that the ones on the supposed side of good are not always right and just.

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