Rezo the Red Priest

Rezo the Red Priest is Zelgadis' Grandfather/Great Grandfather by some twist of the imagination.   Rezo study mainly white magic and mastered it.   He when around performing great healing miracles everywhere he went.   But, his main purpose for learning the magic, to cure his own blind eyes, didn't happen.  Soon he expanded his knowledge to learn shamanism and the black art.   Still after all his attempts nothing worked.   Soon Rezo when looking for the Philosopher's Stone.   During this time it is assumed that the piece of Shabarnigdo (the ruler of all the monster of this world) that was trapped in his own eyes started to take over.      



Soon Rezo ran into his grandson, Zelgadis, training to become stronger.   He made a deal with Zel to give him power if he would help look for the Philosopher's Stone.   Zel excepted and was turned into a chimera.   Soon they ran into Lina who had the item and the struggle between him and Zelgadis began.   Rezo was killed when he resurrected Shabarnigdo, and Lina destroyed him.

Webmaster's Notes:  Rezo was a neat character, he wasn't all bad.   He was like any human, he had some weakness.   I wonder how he and Zel would have gotten along if he didn't turn him into a chimera. 

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