The Moon
A crescent moon
The Principles of Belief
A summary about Wicca
For the current moon phase, click here.
The spell you do depends on the moon phase: full, new, waxing or waning. Waning is from full to new and waxing is from new to full.
New moons are times for cleansing and new beginnings, waxing moons are times for burgeoning energy and setting your sights on new goals or projects, full moons are when Witches' may feel at their strongest: this is a time for casting spells outward and celebrating the gifts of the Goddess. Waning moons is good for things you have to let go of and for breaking bad habits. The main three moon phases: waxing, full and waning show the phases of the Goddess too, as She is associated with the moon. It shows Her as a maiden, mother and crone.
There are thirteen full moons a year.
The Thirteen Goals of a Witch
The Rule of Three
The Wiccan Rede
The Charge of the Goddess
The Charge of the God
The Wiccan Law
The Pentacle
The Elements
The Moon
Sabbat Correspondences
The Sabbat Story
The Altar and Tools
Activating the Altar
Planet and Starsign Correspondences
Blessing Items and Consecrating Tools
Colour Correspondences
Silver RavenWolf
How to Make Holy Water
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Where to Buy your Wiccan Stuff  Online
'Gaia's Cauldron' Magazine
How to Make Sacred Space
The Basic Ritual Outline for A Solitary Witch
Calling and Closing the Quarters
Casting and Closing the Circle
Ways to Raise Energy
Invoking and Thanking the Deities
Ritual Food and Beverages
The Witches' Alphabet