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This command is used for adding a nickname, or channel privilege to your buddy/watch list.
/ns help auth topic
If you are on someone's buddy list then they will know when you are on the chat network. If you are informed that you have a buddy request waiting for you, use the list command to see what its number is. Then read it by using the read command with its number. If you wish to allow the person who sent it to add you to their buddy list then use approve or accept with the auth number. If you do not want to be added to that person's buddy list, use decline or reject.
Other related commands:
/ns help buddy
/ns help set authorize

Format: /ns auth accept number
Accept a request to be added to someone's buddy list. Once the accept command is sent, you will be added and that person will be sent a memo informing them that their request was approved. This command is the same as AUTH APPROVE.
/ns auth accept 3
You will probably want to list your authorization requests before accepting any so that you can be sure that you are accepting the correct ones.

Format: /ns auth approve number
This command works the same way as AUTH ACCEPT. It will accept a buddy request and memo the person who sent it that their request was approved.
/ns auth approve 2

Format: /ns auth decline number
This command will reject a request to add you to someone's buddy list. You will not be added and the person who sent the request will receive a memo informing them.
/ns auth decline 4
As with similar commands, you may want to list your requests before sending a decline so that you are sure you are decliniing the correct one.

Format: /ns auth reject number
Much like the AUTH DECLINE command this command will prevent you from being added to someone's buddy list, but the other person will not be notified.
/ns auth reject 1
You may wish to reject a buddy list request rather than decline it either if you do not want the person informed that you rejected it, rather than simply failing to respond. Another reason to use reject is if the request was sent by accident or you spoke with the person who sent it so that no memo would be necessary.

Format: /ns auth read number
This command will let you read an authorization request.
/ns read 2
You can use the auth list command to find the authorization request's number.

Format: /ns auth view number
Same as the AUTH READ COMMAND. It will display an authorization request for you.
/msg nckserv view 3

Format: /ns auth list
This command will give you a list of buddy requests. You can then read them and choose to accept or decline them as you see fit. The numbers next to each request are the numbers you will need to use in AUTH commands to refer to those requests.
/ns auth list
This is the first step toward dealing with authorization requests. First you should list them, then read them, and then accept or decline/reject as you see fit.