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Ultraviolet blood irridation (photopheresis) is exposure of small amounts of a patients blood to ultraviolet light or irradation for 10 minutes. The patient's blood is then reutrned via I/V at the same place in a vein from which it was taken.
Ultraviolet Light Therapy
The following information is based on a book, "Into the Light"
by William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
1998 December issue of Biologische Medizin

(For Educational Purposes Only)

The beneficial effects of Ultraviolet therapy are:

1. Inactivation of toxins in the blood stream                   
2.Quick cure of viral pneumonia                                    
3. Increases in efficiency of oxygen exchange                 
4. Increases in combining power of blood in oxygen        

5. Cure of bacterial infection and viral infections           

6. Increase in peripheral circulation                               
7. Cure of acute thrombophlebitis                                   
8. Dramatic improvement in bronchial asthma               
9. Improvement in condition of cancer patients              
Indications for use of Ultraviolet blood irridation;

Viral Infections
Atypical pneumonia
Acute poliomyelitis, encephalitis, myelitis
Mumps, measles, mononucleosis, herpes

Bacterial Infections
Staph, Strep
E. Coli, Salmonella
Wound infections
Typhoid fever

Chronic Diseases
Bronchial asthma
Chronic allergic conjunctivitis
Chronic hepatitis
Chronic Kidney disease
Chronic eczema and neurodermatitis
Chronic recurrent polyarthritis
Diabetes mellitus
Raynoaud's disease
Diabetic retinopathy

Inflammatory Diseases
Allergic gastritis
Autoimmune thyroiditis
Rhinitis, Sinusitis

Adjuvant tumor therapy
General states of exhaustion, also in geriatrics
Fungal infections
Diseases due to inadequate Periperal circulation: varicose and diabetic ulcer, peripheral atherosclerosis, some types of gangrene, and vascular headache
Non-healing wounds
Delayed union of fractures
From "Into the Light", Page 11

"Ultraviolet light has been used in disinfection for many years and is, in fact, still used for that purpose. Any contaminated object, whether it be surgical instruments, bedding, room air, the human skin, or body fluids such as blood, can be cleansed rapidly of viruses and bacteria.

The killing of infectious organisms is a useful quality of ultraviolet light, but it is not as important as another capability of this remarkable part of the energy spectrum: the stimulation of the immune system and various enzyme systems."
From "Oxygen for Health", Therapies

Hyperbaric-oxygen therapy (HBOT)
is pure oxygen administered under pressurized conditions. A person is placed inside a sealed tube about 7feet X 2feet in diameter and breathes pure oxygen for thirty to sixty minutes. Because of the high pressure, oxygen is forced into the body and travels to oxygen starved tissues. HBOT is normally administered in a clinic or hospital and used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation, traumatic injuries and wounds, stroke and heart attack victims, and well as those with multiple sclerosis and AIDS.

What conditions or diseases can be helped with oxygen therapy?

Viral diseases
antibiotics are ineffective in viral infections, oxygen therapies have proved successful. Some of the diseases caused by viruses are flu, mumps, measles, polio, herpes, AIDS, and hepatitis. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide inactivate viruses by destroying the receptors around the virus cell which are used to connect and infect other cells, thereby disrupting its reproductive cycle. Ozone can also destroy the protein coat of the virus cell wall and once inside can disrupt its DNA. Studies have shown ozone to inactivate 97 to 100 percent of the HIV virus.
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More on Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Oxygen Therapies:
Medical Ozone and AIDS
The Cure That Time Forgot
The Knott UBI Method Study with HIV
Ozone Really Helps AIDS?
Future of Ozone
A Virology Primer
Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide
Wellness Directory of Minnesota TM.
Oxygen For Health
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