Pastor Voon Yuen Woh

Yuen Woh, Swee Leng and from left, Rachelle, Rosanne and Vivienne

  Yuen Woh

Yuen Woh pastors the Full Gospel Tabernacle churches in Seremban and Malacca. His wife’s name is Swee Leng and they have 3 daughters viz, Vivienne, Rachelle and Rosanne. Vivienne is 14 years old and the twins are 11. They live in Seremban and have a lot of fun together with other folks in the churches, both young and old.

Yuen Woh answered God’s call to be a pastor in 1990. Before that he was working as a Financial Controller in an insurance company. He received his accountancy training (otherwise they won’t let him be a Financial Controller!) in an accounting firm after finishing his secondary school studies.

How old is Yuen Woh? Make a guess. If you are nice, he may tell you.

The Voon family relocated to Seremban from Petaling Jaya, Selangor in June 1990 and since then, the Lord has used them, together with a team of dedicated brothers and sisters to pioneer and establish FGT in Seremban. In 1996 together with some brethren from the Mother Church in Petaling Jaya, Yuen Woh led a team to pioneer FGT in Malacca. Brother Joshua Chan was transferred from the Mother Church in December 2000 to be the first full-time church worker based in Malacca.

By the way, Yuen Woh is also the Chairman of Evangelism Explosion (EE) in Malaysia. EE is a discipleship training ministry. During his spare time he also represents the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship of Malaysia for various matters in Negri Sembilan.

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