You Know You're Obsessed With Strings Of Fate When...

*Strings Of Fate will be referred to as SOF for the sake of typing. ^_^*
SOF does not belong to me at all, it belongs to Tochi. SOF is here. A better link is on my links page. Hope you like this! ^_^ (GO SOF! GO KUANG HU! GO FENG! GO YI MA! GO ZHONG GO! GO HOU! GO JEFF! GO MEISHUU! GO LONG!!!!!! ^_^)

1) You check SOF everyday to see if there are updates.

2) You read SOF every day.

3) You read SOF every 5 hours.

4) You read SOF every five minutes.

5) You get a friend and a mouse to see if you can do the Tony/Mao energy channeling thing.

6) Your energy channeling thing works.

7) You love rats almost to the point of it being unhealthy.

8) You wonder if Feng would be better as a boy or a girl.

9) You think that UPS men are strippers in disguise.

10) You cried when you found out Long was already taken. (WAH!)

11) You think SOF should be updated more often.

12) You think Tochi is a genius.

13) You never look at the Chinese Zodiac the same way again.

14) You wish that the characters that were cut out (Yi Ma, Jin, etc.) are put back in, in all their SOF glory!

15) You contemplate Kuang Hu's inner psyche.

16) You lean Chinese just to read the Chinese in SOF.

17) OR you find the nearest Chinese person and force them to read it to you.

18) You get all excited when you find out your zodiac animal is a rat.

19) You get pissed off because your zodiac animal is a rat because a) Tony is taken my Mao b) Meishuu is busy in Tony's head c) You weren't born in the year of the dragon.

20) You're in love with the Chinese Zodiac.

21) You're in love with Tony/Meishuu.

22) You're in love with Jeff. (!!)

23) You have the need to find out everyone's zodiac.

24) You sqeal when you find a rat. (Or dragon. ^_^)

25) You are afraid of cats.

26) You go out and buy a convertible because Long has one.

27) You go out and buy a staff because Hou has one.

28) You get a tattoo like Kuang Hu's because he has one.

29) You think Mai/May is as cute as a button.

30) You ask your brother to hang around outside for you, and when he does, tell everyone that he doesn't care about you.

31) You draw Mao's tattoos on your face.

32) You try to control cats/rats/monkeys/shrimp. (Take your pick)

33) You think Meishuu is the sexiest 2D guy ever to walk the anime world.

34) You think Feng is darn good looking too.

35) And you're a guy. (Well I guess it depends on whether Feng is male or female, but we'll assume the homo bit.)

36) You get insanely happy when you remeber you're half/total Chinese. (^_^)

37) You go to the Chinatown closest you and look for old temples with elevators.

38) You freak out whenever you see a white cat.

39) You talk to that white cat.

40) Whenever you see a large group of cats/rats/monkeys/shrimp you look for Mao/Tony/Hou/Ao respectively.

41) You like Ao in a twisted sort of way. (::grossgross::)

42) You tie yourself up in strings and walk down the street.

43) When people ask what you're on, you reply SOF.

44) Or, when people ask what you're doing, you say that these are the Strings of Fate that entwine you to your destiny, and go off on a tangent about the wonders of the Chinese Zodiac.

45) You start listening to Blur.

46) Everything Chinese starts to interest you.

47) You go to McDonalds and ask for a McMao Happy Meal (c) with a Beanie Meishuu (c) toy. (0_0 I WANT)

48) You go to a restauraunt and ask for a Long Special.

49) Some smart alec waiter asks how long.

50) You go out and get full body tattoos of your favourite SOF character.

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