
2002, June 14: Uh, yeah. I don't think I'm gonna update this site anymore. I'm gonna start a new site, a wallpaper site. Mostly just to express my feelings than to actually have other people use them. Uh yeah. Ah well, the new site is at Ten no Furuchi. Yeah. Good bye, for now. Dunno if this site will ever be updated again. I hope so! ^_^ Ja ne.

2001, Dec 17: Yo! I made something new! A You Know You're Obsessed With Strings Of Fate When... Section. ^_^ I added a couple more things around the site as well. ^_^

2001, Oct 27: Wah! ^_^;;;; Gomen ppl, I'm alive. ^_^ I took out the Bishonen Book tho cause I don't have much time to update it anymore. ^_^ I'm starting to draw my own manga, so if I get a scanner, I'll start posting it up. ^_^

2001, Aug 8: Hey yo! I added MORE bishonen. ^_^;;; I can't help it!!!! And I made a few tweaks here and there. ^_^

2001, Aug 3: I made my bishonen book! YAY!!!! ^_^ It's actually marriage prospects, but yeah. And I didn't steal the idea, I'm using it. ^_^ I also updated some of my personal profile stuff. ^_^

2001, Aug 1: This is not a real update, gomen nasai. ^_^;; This is just to say that I've come up with a good idea! I'm gonna make a bishonen index! Yes, I'm running out of ideas. ^_^ Ah well! ^_^ I hope I get it done before summer, and that's all I have to say! ^-^

2001, July 20: I updated my SBs. That's about it. Oh yeah, some more adoptees. ^_^;; I'm running out of ideas for this site, I'll have to surf around for more stuff to put up. ^_^ ANIME CON IN AUGUST!!! :D

2001, May 26: I added a few more adoptees. That's about it. Oh yeah, I fixed a little bug. That's it. ^_^

2001, May 18: You know what I just noticed? My page has been up for more than a year! I didn't even notice! Well guess the new layout is a congrats for staying up for a year. ^_^ But there's no update here, just a little musing. ^_^

2001, May 13: BIGGGGGG new SHINY LAYOUT!!!! I changed a bunch of stuff too, most notably my Bishonen and my Adoptees. I also added something new to Strange Stuff, it's a list of stuff I would do if I became an anime charcter. ^_^ I also fixed the probs with the frames, there are still some, tho. :P THE PAGE IS NOW YELLOW!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

2001, May 5: I made a frames site!!! YAY!!!! But it's not really working. :P It looks ok, until you click something. :P Anyways, that's my big update. Maybe I'll change the layout again. I like this one still, tho. ^_^

2001, Apr 12: I got bored so I decided to update again. ^_^ I added another fic about my younger sister. She's EEEEEEVVVVVVIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!

2001, Apr 11: WOWEEEEE!!! AN UPDATE!!!! I fixed a few bugs around the site and I added my G-Wing fanfic, Party Time! I know, I know, crummy title, but I was lazy. ^_^ Also, my SB bios are all up, after how long...? ^_^ I also added something to the Strange Stuff area, just to put something there. ^_^

2001, Mar 19: Well I didn't get around to updating anything during the break. ;_; Ah well! I can proudly say, I SOULBOUND!!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!!! ^_^

2001, Mar 11: GOMEN NASAI MINNA-SAN!!!!! I'm soooooooo sorry for not updating sooner, but my stuuuuuuupid comp was messed up for months!!!! I was getting internet withdrawl symptoms!!! Ah well, it's a small this time, added MORE bishies! Can't get enough!!! ^_^ A if I didn't have enough before. Oh yeah, I added a couple more adoptees, they're just so darn cute!!! And this March Break commerates the week I got hooked on anime!!! YAY!!!!! 1 year and growing strong, this obsession! ^_^ My G-Wing fic will HOPEFULLY be up sometime this week. Depending on the time factor. ^_^

2000, Nov 5: Wow! A whole month has gone by since my last update! ^_^;;; Sorry, minna, but my internet's been down. Really! Anyways, I've added a few adoptees and a couple more bishonen. As if I don't already have enough! ^_^ I've also finished writing my first G-Wing fic, but I have yet to put it up. It takes too long to HTML!!! ;_;

2000, Oct 9: Added the Finding The French Fushigi Yuugi Manga section! I felt like adding it 'cause it took me 3 DAYS TO FIND 2 ONLINE STORES!!!!! ::fume:: Besides, I want to help ppl. I hope it does. I have't bought the manga yet tho, 'cause my mom says it's too expensive. :P

2000, Oct 4: I updated the Quatre Mini-Site a bit, and I made the whole site a little more "user-friendly" accirding to my friend who doesn't us a back button! :P to him. ^_^

2000, Sept 28 to Oct 2: WOWEE!!!! HUUUUUUUUUUGE update! Mostly layout, a few fanfics, EVERYTHING else! ^_^ I think my site looks halfway decent now! ^_^

2000, Sept 9: I've been busy this summer, sorry minna!!!! ^_^;; I've been writing more fics, but it takes so long to type! But I hope I can at least get three or four of them up before the year is done. ^_^;;; Well, for this update, I added the What If... section and I got rid of the Fanart and Rants sections because I'm not getting a scanner. :P and I don't have much to rant about, so I just deleted it. I updated my personal info, too. I also added my adopted creatures and captured Bishonen! I think I caught too many bishonen, tho. O_O The FAQ is updated too.

2000, July 31: Wow! Another update!!! I made a Quatre webring. Or in the process, anyways. ^_^

2000, July 30: I know I haven't updated in a month, and I'm sorry!!!! I had summer school. :P Well, I made a little Quatre site! Go check it out!!! You have to read the You Know You Love Quatre Too Much When... section! It's really great!!!! ^_^

2000, June 28: I know I haven't updated in awhile, but I had exams. :P As You can see, I've changed the name of my website, again. I get bored easily. ^_^ I also fixed a few bugs in the Gundam Wing Quiz Thingy, and I added some more pics to it. There is also another rant. ^_^

2000, May 31: Added my rant section! It's already got a rant, too. ^_^ I also just found out I'm not getting a scanner. ;_; So no fanart unless I force my friend to scan my art on her scanner. Or put up some of her art. ^_^

2000, May 22: Added the Gundam Wing Quiz Thingy!!!! That's it. I'll add pics and stuff to it, and make it a bit longer. When I have more time.

2000, May 13: Updated the FAQ! There's stuff there now! Go look!!!! I also added my little annoucement on the front page about Gundam Wing. ^_^;;

2000, May 10: Added a new fic: A Dam Story ^_^. That's it. I'm too lazy to type up my other fics and HTML them. It takes too long!!!! Besides, I'm sick. ::sniff:: Poor me! ;_;

2000, May 8: I changed some of the front page junk and finally thought up a better title for this site! I also changed some stuff in the section about me. And I put this page up, obviously. ^_^

Happy? Now you can go back. ^_^

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