
Name: Triton Bloom
Nickname: The Silencer
Age: 17
Home World: Gundam Wing
Weapon: Fists
Quote: "I'm not a mime."
About: Ah, Trowa. The Silent one. Even though he's a quiet SB, he's always there for me. He's one of my more understanding SBs, being more of an observer than taking action. This makes him very intelligent in interpreting my feelings. He's also very kind, helping out others, but he can't help laughing if Bart is getting chased by someone. Trowa is also very untrusting, never telling anyone, anything. Which makes him trustworthy. ^_^ He's also very emphathetic, a good trait, it makes him caring and concerned about others. He's also a romantic at heart. ^_^ But what else can I say about Trowa? He's just sugoi. ^_^

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