
Name: Shun'u Kou
Nickname: Fang-boy
Age: 17
Home World: Fushigi Yuugi
Weapon: Tessen
Quote: "Keep gay-boy away from me!"
About: Tasuki is now starting to hate Nuriko, so Nuriko keeps acting gayer and gayer, if that's possible. Tasuki is a loud mouthed bandit, third in loudness next to Duo and Bart, the loudest. He's very aggressive and rowdy, and he's pissed me off a couple of times. Which is a lot because it takes a lot for one of my SBs to piss me off. Tasuki is just basically Tasuki, loud and annoying, likes to drink. Recently Kouji left my SBs to date a female Naruku from Card Captor Sakura, (Nuriko, what were you THINKING???) so Tasuki lost his best buddy. He's become a bit more depressed, but he'll get over it, Kouji still visits a lot. Anyways, Tasuki is just yer average bandit, no couth, class or sanity. ^_^

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