
Name: Sigurd Harcourt
Nickname: Siggy/Sig
Age: 24
Home World: Xenogears
Weapon: Nunchucks
Quote: "SEXY! Is what I am."
About: Sigurd also went back to his old Elements hairstyle, though he does have two bangs, just one's really short because Bart singed it off. ^_^ Sigurd is another one of my quieter SBs, but he just so happens to be one of the sexier ones! Sigurd is not really a romantic type though, he just likes to show off once in awhile at how sexy he looks, hence his clothes that show off his sexy six-pack. ^_^ Sigurd is more of a shy, quiet type when it comes to anything else, though. He's a great gardener though, he's got this awesome garden aboard the Yggdrasil. A huge cherry tree and everything! It's so cool. Sigurd is always playing second to Bart, but he doesn't mind that much, he'd rather read that annoy someone. Unless it's Citan. ^_^ Sigurd is ALWAYS waffling Citan, for whatever reason he can think of. Some reasons were because Citan was a second late, his clothes wer wrinkled, he has a pink sash, one hair was out of place, he wiped his glasses on his shirt, etc, etc. ^_^ Basically, Sigurd is quiet and shy, but sexy and ruthless at other times! ^_^

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