
Name: Ken Hidaka
Nickname: Ken-kun
Age: 19
Home World: WeiB Kreuz
Weapon: Claws
About: Poor Ken! He likes taking care of kids, which makes Billy and him ultimate friends, so people like to bother him about liking kids a little too much. Ken is a very caring guy, unselfish and loyal. He's really naïve too, and trusts people wayyyyy too much. But that's why I like him, he's my only SB who really trusts me with absolutely no reservations whatsoever. Even Quatre hesitates when telling me a secret. Ken is such a good SB, if I tell him something, he won't tell anyone else. So the trust goes both ways. That's why he stuck around even after Aya and Omi left my SB group. Ken is an awesome SB!

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