
Name: Batholomew Fatima
Nickname: Barty-Boy
Age: 18
Home World: Xenogears
Weapon: Whips
Quote: "You know you love me!"
About: He chopped off his braid. Gomen minna, but short hair is a prerequisite for my SBs. He wanted to be one, so he chopped it off! What else can I say? ^_^ Ah, Barty-boy, pirate of the seven deserts. ^_^ He's one of my loudest SBs, always a forerunner. Also, his eye was fixed when he was being healed in a nanoreactor. Go fig. Bart's a really loud, energetic guy who will pick you up and toss you somewhere just to see your reaction. He and Duo are always hanging around, trying to outdo each other in being as loud and weird as possible. ^_^ What can I say about Bart? He's pure energy. ^_^

The image above was take from here. It is fanart and not mine.

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