Gonzo: the unauthorized autobiography
Hehe...see...thats the joke....how can it be UNauthorized if its an AUTObiography?? hehe
    Hello there! Welcome to my webpage. Who knows how you ended up here, but here you are. So, thanks for coming, I hope that you learn a little more about Gonzo, the world...and most importantly...YOURSELF. :) hehe. Youve got to try and understand my sense of humor or your just gonna think im a wierdo. So, read on, have fun...and feel free to let me know what ya think.
A little about me.....
I was born in New Brunswick, NJ in July, 1978.  As a result of job relocation (not many 7month olds have jobs) I moved to Southern Pines, North Carolina.  **okay...that was a joke. I didnt have a job when I was 7months old...come on now....lighten up** I grew up in North Carolina....but have no accent, and dont consider myself a "southerner."  Most likely this is a result of my upbringing...my mother was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.  Well, after graduating High School, I continued to work at Applebee's for a while until I finally followed my dream.  I joined the US Army.  Well, a couple of years later, now I cant wait to get out and go to school!! I went to Basic Combat Training and Airborne School at Ft. Benning, GA.  Then, as I hoped, I was assigned to Ft. Bragg, NC.  Hehe...real...REAL close to home.  I am in the  504th Parachute Infantry Regiment .  The first year I was there, we deployed to England for training.  That was pretty fun....got to see London, and get my British Jump wings.  In September 1999 my battallion deployed to Kosovo.  I was there until March 2000.  Yes, I missed Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day....but I am very happy that I went.  I made lots of friends there, had experiences that you wouldnt begin to believe, learned to speak a little Serbian, learned a lot about different cultures and basicly became a much stronger person.  I did a lot of maturing there, even though I thought I was mature enough before I left.  I wouldnt trade those experiences for anything.  Since returning, ive been working hard....staying out of trouble.  I bought a new car, did a bit of traveling within the states, and im just looking to enjoy life.  My future plans include....NUMBER ONE...getting out of the Army!! hehe...ill be out in the summer of 2001.  I plan on going to school, posibly up north.  I need a change, and im thinking about being IN or close to New York City.  Im not exactly sure what I want to do with my life though.  Ive wanted to be a Lawyer for so long, but also wanted to be a high school history teacher.  I am sorry to say I think its going to come down to money.  I want to be able to support a family you know?  Well, thats about it....I hope you know a little bit more about me now.....and I hope it all peaked your interest to know me better. :)
My Interests
I like to explore in my  Jeep Wrangler, listen to music, mountain bike (until my bike got stolen), travel, go camping, swim, just basicly outdoors type stuff....although I love sitting down to watch a good movie.  I like cheesy type movies, Disney, you know, good moral fiber type stuff.  I like watching Touched By an Angel, and Little House on the Prairie re-runs.  I like the stuff that makes me cry basicly. :) My favorite band is  Black '47, an Irish group out of NYC.  Im really into celtic rock, Irish folk music, stuff like that.  I also listen to classic rock, and im starting to get into all this hippie type music....Cat Stevens (cause I saw a commercial for his greatest hits on TV and it got me interested) Peter Paul and Mary, good ole Peace and Love songs you know?  I think it balances me out....the trained killer with a heart type thingie....;) Im kidding.
Pictures of ME!!
Here are some pictures of me....you choose what you want to see! Want more?? Email me. Its America! You get what you want!!!
GALLERY of Me just here and there
 GALLERY of me just hanging out in my room
  GALLERY of me hanging out at work and stuff
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This page last updated on October 14, 2000.