I'm old...

Your mom's hot

Hey just to let people know, Paul and Nate are off to college. We'll let u know about random shows we may be playing! Our cd is out too so email us if you want a copy, only 5 bucks! Any other news ideas, comments? Sign the guestbook or email us! Thanks everyone!

A big thanks to all who came out for the MadLab show! It was an awesome time and all the other bands were great. My ratings (this is Chris) are as follows: Starving Goliath gets the blue ribbon for all around good-ness.  Elephants Gerald is a close second  getting a gold star on creativity and wonder, and Gernica (however u spell it) gets a "superb intial show" award (it was  their first gig) and they rocked it hard. CD news in shows and news page!!!!
We finally got more info on the show we're playing this friday.  Check out "
Shows and News" for details.
Sir Jonathan here.  We've been workin' on new material, so I thought I'd post some new
lyrics.  Sign the guestbook!
WARNING! there is a 252 character (that means letter/space/number) max. for guestbook comments. Please email extended comments and they will be posted on a seperate page as they accumulate.
Sign the guestbook, let us know whats up:
old entries #1


Shows and News


The Band


Cool Local Bands



Fan Submission
Fe-Ne-'Tiks, circa 2003
left to right -Bob, Nate, Jonny, PJ
You are number
of 6.3 billion to be corrupted
The party is at the top....