All Poetry & Writings (c) FeatheredFish2002
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Wave of Sadness

Sadness creeps up and drowns me
Like a sudden wave as I slept upon the beach
Blissfully unaware of it’s approach until it was too late
The mercurial darkness envelops me
Seeping into every pore

I would struggle but I see no assailant
Yet I perceive it’s presence, all around and within
The persuasive, persistent strength drags me down
Did I throw a pebble and anger Poseidon?

This torrent, which hits with all the power of a Tsunami
Yet conceals its position in perfect camouflage
The consummate warrior assassin
Leaves no visible scar but can crush a heart beyond repair

My only probability of salvation
Is to endure the hideous pain awhile
And hope, that the cycle of the emotional moon
May drag this pummelling wave back to another shore

Oh unpretentious man bold!
Bid the words explore your heart
With spinning wheels that may unravel
The muted notions in your soul
And from that web emerge a thread
To tailor a cloak of clarity

As the rumbling darkness
Gives way to summer winds
That cleanse out all confusion
Beware, the distant rumblings crescendo
A stampede of truth snorts wildly
As it tramples your disillusion.

But still you fear the alien text
That stalks you from the page
Not recognised as kin, yet hauntingly familiar
Perhaps once you lived amongst these thoughts
Perhaps once you smiled as they approached to comfort you.
But will they accept you back after so long an absence?

Vile men use Gods,  divine excuses
To cover for they’re worst abuses
Which God provides justification,
For overpowering peaceful nations?

And did a God wear orange or green
To smile upon the men unseen
That threw the pipe bombs at the feet
Of little children in the street

Was it a God that lit the flames,
To conceal slaughtered Jews remains?
Or the Architect of all creation
That constrained the Brave to reservations?

Does the concept of nature’s aviary
Sit comfortably with slavery?
Was the purpose to make men of colour
That we may persecute and hate each other?

Who shows the starved a cross of gold?
A God that can be bought or sold?
Or are these but the traits of men
That clear their conscience with …..


Fair instinct guide me where I walk
Prudence, with the words I talk
Pray let not wit sink into slumber
Whilst sirens fill my ear with wonder

Behold the comfort of darkest night
As truth reveals her shining light
And lights a path, not seen by day
A silken cord that shows the way

The way towards a better land
Where men may weep at loves command
Weep without a trace of sorrow
Content that there are new tomorrows

A Citadel of broken swords
Brave New World of joyous hoards
Where men have no more need of bread
Where hearts hold reign o’r scheming heads

But sirens you have won I fear
Daylight reveals a land of tears
As wit awakes from wistful sleep
I see that men
deserve to weep.
Kiss a Tear

Kiss a tear
Encapsulated emotion
The joy
The pain
The fear
The relief
Artistic Orphans

The tempest quelled, where once it raged
Captives cowering, suppressed by conformity
Expectations towering over the 'self-indulgent'
Whipping at our resolve, hoping for submission

I see you now in a far corner, smaller, but still aware
I glimpse the understanding in your eye
The tattoo that recalls past campaigns

I lift my hand,
It still has enough strength of will
To fumble for the rebellious daggers
One a quill, the other sable
Our last chance for freedom

Nervously I slide a bejewelled blade towards you
You smile wickedly in reply

We creep towards expression, you shy from the forgotten light,
Then grow in anticipation of abandoning the shadows

The storm clouds gather like grey stallions
We each grab a furious mane

"No going back"

We attack

Dedicated to a valuable friend and insipiration
The Humming Bird Muse
Mystical Mist

The Ghost of Rain
Subjugates all
As she drapes the streets
With her Netherworld veil

Colours dim
Sounds whisper
All surrender in the court
Of the Phantasmal Presence

Street signs lose direction
Then punctuate the night with halos
Offerings of inferiority.
Satisfied with the genuflection’s
The Rain Ghost gathers her veil
And as silently as she came
Moves on.
Missing Glasses

The sights we have seen would fill wise men with wonder
French movies, Bugatti’s and numerous blunders
Sites on the web that would make you blush
Sights in the Yosemite’s that created a  rush
The beauty of humming birds hovering flight
The marvel of stars as they pass through the night
But now it is time to have a vacation
To conceal ourselves in some darkened location
To not heed the searching of hands under cushions
To snigger at funky specs, temporary solutions
When we’ve had our rest we’ll come out of hiding
To be perched on your nose again, constantly sliding.
Choose Life? Choose living in damp houses, Choose locking your doors and windows.Choose buying the biggest dog you can afford to feed, Choose having a bad credit rating based upon your address, Choose learning to be hard from the minute you walk onto the street as a child, Choose to believe that you are factory fodder and nothing more, Choose hoping there is a factory nearby, Choose chemical sheets tied together to escape. Choose believing that you live on turf worth defending, Choose not being hard enough to even try to get out. Choose accepting your fate like a marionette having your strings pulled by Dealers, Coffee Bar Socialists, Police, Research fund seeking university student’s, Choose moneylenders and late night knocks at your door. Me ? I chose something else…………………….
The Watcher Watches

I gaze from within
They try and try to break in
It perplexes me
I sit in comfort here
No commitments
No obligations
No broken expectations
No tears
No reactions
Nothing gets in
Nothing gets out
Perfectly cocooned, embraced by elected silence
I watch you from the other side of the looking glass
Do you see yourself in me and fear the vision?
Why do you want in?
To share in my silence
Why do you want me to come out?
To be impaled upon your humanity?
A trophy to your goodness
No!, I will not respond
The enticements keep coming
“Heeeeeeeeelllloo d_o   y_o_u   w_ a_ n_ t  ………?”
No matter how slowly you speak,
Remove the wasted bait from your traps
I remain disconnected from your painful intents
I have studied your world
It is a far darker realm than mine is
I will not abdicate my throne
You shall not usurp me
My perimeters locked and intact
You regroup your ice cream battalions
For another assault
I watch.

Dedicated to Pat.
I am eternally blessed with your fleeting smile

Nurtured from a seed planted by
Dawn A. Graddick’s
I Am Your Deafness

A Dreamer with her eyes and heart wide open
No Cameras Allowed
Resolution Day

The walk takes forever
Soft winds play on my ears
As if trying to soothe me
Like a mother’s caresses
On the first day of school
“It’ll be alright you’ll see”

Yet a thousand demons
Try to persuade me otherwise
“Don’t be a fool, they will laugh at you”
I slow my pace
“Still time to back out”
The incubus chants,
Rallying his legions

I am there
The child I helped create welcomes me
I reply with a loving smile and gentle pat
I have seen her look tidier
Her outdoor clothes flaking here and there
I turn the familiar door handle
Like a Masonic handshake ritual
I am granted recognition and entry

All senses are besieged
The smells of paint, clay, stop bath and coffee
All intermingle in her unique scent
The base metal vibrations of alchemists
Crafting spells from guitars
Turns to gold in my ear
The sight of a puppylike unicycle
Eagerly leaning against the wall
Awaiting its dextrous handler

Then the unanticipated uppercut,
The happy hug of a child
“Hiya!” rips through my heart
Like a slow, ragged, twisting blade

No tormentors from Hades
Would have the cruelty to assemble
Such an army to their cause
The incubi grow confident
Sensing the breached battlements
“Not too late yet”

A deep breath
To distract the weakening heart
Just long enough to commit
“I leave next Monday”
Twenty years gone, in a racing heartbeat.
The incubus shakes his head
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