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Secretary's Desk

Lions Menu
Secretary's Desk
Frostburg Lions Club
P.O. Box 371
Frostburg, MD 21532
serving Frostburg for over 60 years

Frostburg Lions Club

Meeting Minutes For: June / May 2007
Lion Elmer Smith, Secretary

Frostburg Lions Club

Meeting Minutes: June 13, 2007
Lion Elmer Smith, Secretary

The regular meeting of the Frostburg Lions was held Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at the Acropolis Restaurant with President Leon Fatkin presiding. There were seven members in attendance and one visitor from LaVale , who wants to transfer his membership to our club. The Secretarys and Treasurers reports were approved as given.

Under Communications, the club received four thank you notes. The first was from Kayla Lewis thanking us for her new glasses. Two others, from Chris Ackerman and John Robinette, thanked us for sponsoring their graduation awards. The fourth was from Wayne Nicol, principal of Beall High School, thanking us for sponsoring the two graduation awards.

Other communications included a bill for Ada Crowes glasses. The club voted to pay the total amount of $110. The Change of Banner and District 22W Awards dinner will be July 15th at the Southern Garrett Rescue Squad. The cost is $15. Reservations are due by July 9th. Members should contact President Leon if they wish to attend. A letter was received from Beall Elementary School asking us to support their Positive Behavior Intervention Supports program. The club voted to sponsor this program at a cost of approximately $1000.

Under old business, the club paid $375.28 postage to send 33 boxes of supplies to our soldiers in Iraq.

The chicken barbecue for June 30th was discussed. Lion Jake has contacted Kingsford about the charcoal and will get it. Lion Bill will contact the city about the city dump truck for trash removal. Lion Cindy has made arrangements to have the rolls delivered on Friday to her house. She has also contacted student services about possibly getting student help. Lion Edge has made arrangements through Lion Joe Pace to get the 400 chickens.

Lions Bill and Sue went to the Cumberland Time concerning publicity. Debbie Hawn will handle any press releases. We should not leave anything at the Frostburg office. It is probably best to e-mail any releases to her. Bill will present more information on this in September.

Under new business, the county health department contacted Lion Jake to see if we would buy glasses for their clients. While we will help people in the Frostburg area we felt that other county clubs should buy glasses for people in their areas. Lion Bill will get a list of contacts for the various clubs to give to the health department.

Lion Bill gave each member in attendance two postcards to return by next meeting. One regarding membership, the other the auction.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned

Attendance: Leon Fatkin, Cindy Powers, Bill Munck, Sue Munck, Joe Mills, Elmer Smith, and Jake Failinger

Frostburg Lions Club

Meeting Minutes: May 23, 2007
Lion Elmer Smith, Secretary

The regular meeting of the Frostburg Lions was held Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at the Acropolis Restaurant with President Leon Fatkin presiding. There were eight members in attendance. The Secretarys report was approved as given.

Under Communications, the club replied to a letter concerning the dates of the District Governors visitation. Our first choice was Wednesday, October 10th, our second choice was Wednesday, October 27th. Also the Lions Vision Research Banquet will be on November 10th. The club received Lion Jeff Krones 25th year chevron. We would like Jeff to receive the chevron at the installation dinner on June 27th if he can attend.

Under old business, the club picnic will be at the Deuels on July 11th at 6:30 PM.

Lion Bill has taken pictures to put in the paper concerning the Chicken Barbecue.

Region Director Bob Leece will install our new officers at the June 27th meeting. He will also swear in our new members at that time.

Lion Edge contacted Brian Voughts office concerning using the Armory for our auction. He was not in but Edge gave them the date.

Lion Cindy, club treasurer asked the membership to approve $200 for our graduation awards at Beall High School. We give awards to the top business student and the top music student. She also asked that we approve sending the dues for three new members to international.

Under new business, Lion Bill asked the club to pay for postage to send care package materials to our area soldiers who are in Iraq and Afghanistan. First United Bank is collecting the materials. The club unanimously approved this worthwhile donation in support of our troops.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned

Attendance: Leon Fatkin, Cindy Powers, Bill Munck, Sue Munck, Edge Deuel, Lorian Deuel, Elmer Smith, and Jake Failinger

Frostburg Lions Club

Meeting Minutes: May 9, 2007
Lion Elmer Smith, Secretary

The regular meeting of the Frostburg Lions Club was held Wednesday, May 9, 2007 at the Acropolis Restaurant with President Leon Fatkin presiding. There were eight members in attendance. The Secretarys and Treasurers Reports were approved as given.

Under Communications, Mt. Airy Lions will have their first annual golf fundraiser May 22nd.

Under old business, the All-Star Basketball game raised over $1300. We are going to try to coordinate better with FSU so we do not have so many facility problems. Also, it was suggested we add a patron page to the program to raise additional funds rather than up the cost of the ads.

The auction will be held on Saturday, September 16th at 10:00 AM. The location was discussed and the Armory building seems to be the best place with room and parking. Lion Edge will check on its availability.

Installation of officers will be at the last meeting in June.

The BBQ committee will meet before the meeting on the 23rd at 6:00 PM to go over plans. It was thought best that we get all materials at one place. Lion Edge will check with Joe Pace about getting all necessary materials. Lion Jake said his wife will prepare baked beans and cole slaw for the BBQ. Lion Bill will contact the health department. He also will have signs and fliers made for the BBQ. Lion Jake suggested that Karen Tedesco, Main Street Manager, attend the planning meeting for the BBQ. The number of chickens will be decided at that meeting. Also, Lions Bill and Edge will contact Kingsford about the charcoal.

Under new business, President Leon suggested that the time and dates of our meetings should be on our sign at Rt. 36. Also, we should put an announcement about the BBQ on the sign as soon as possible.

The club also approved paying $100 toward Ada Crowes glasses.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned

Attendance: Leon Fatkin, Cindy Powers, Bill Munck, Sue Munck, Edge Deuel, Lorian Deuel, Elmer Smith, and Jake Failinger