C. F. BLATTNER

                                                                                                                                                                                            A.P. STATISTICS





   You are going to be learning the fundamentals of inferential statistics. What you learn about producing data, interpreting data and formulating and testing hypotheses will allow you to fully explore the opportunities you will have here at Clark to learn and apply science and technology. You will be using a variety of tools (including computers and graphing calculators) to aid you in your work. You will be doing some of your work in small groups and some individually. Your grade in this course will be based on your performance, your participation, and your ability to demonstrate acceptable use of this facility and the equipment being made available to you. These components of your grade will be defined for you below. In addition, you will find expectations for classroom behavior. These guidelines are to be followed in addition to the schoolwide rules for behavior and use of facilities and equipment.


PERFORMANCE: This is a university-level course, therefore students are expected to work at a level commensurate with the extra grade point the class carries. Students must demonstrate knowledge of the subject by performing on examinations, quizzes, and projects. Examinations have a value of 100 points. The Final Exam will have a value of 200 points. Quizzes have values ranging from 10 to 50 points. The exams and quizzes will consist of problems the student will be expected to solve and, in most cases, demonstrate the method of solution. Projects have values ranging from 10 to 100 points and there will be both individual and group projects.


PARTICIPATION: Thirty-five percent of the student’s grade will be based on active classroom participation. Active participation includes (but is not limited to) producing completed written homework upon teacher request, attentiveness and contribution during classroom discussion and cooperative exercises, and coming to class promptly with all necessary materials. Students can lose points for excessive tardiness (-5 points for each unexcused tardy after the third), inattentiveness, truancy (-10 points for each truancy), failure to participate in classroom activities, discussions, failure to bring needed materials, etc.

  To formulate each student's grade, the student's total performance points are added to the total participation points. That number is divided by the number of points possible. Each student's lowest exam score for the semester is dropped. Grades are assigned according to the following scale: 90-100% A; 80-89% B; 70-79% C; 60-69% D;

0-59%  F.




MAKE-UP POLICY: Students will only be allowed to make up work that is missed due to excused absence from class. It is the student's responsibility to meet with the teacher and establish what needs to be done and deadlines for completion. Since the lowest exam score is dropped, make-up exams will not be given unless the student has missed two or more exams due to excused absence.


 EXTRA CREDIT: There will be some opportunities for students to earn extra credit. Only those students who have completed all regular assignments will be eligible.


 CLASSWORK STANDARDS: All written work must be completed on 8.5 x 11 paper. Work should be done in pencil and should be legible. If I can't read it, I can't give you credit for it.


CITIZENSHIP: Students are expected to be in their assigned seats when the tardy bell rings. Students are to treat each other, and the adults on campus, with courtesy and respect at all times. Any behavior that is disruptive to classroom activity (such as interrupting class by arriving late, conducting conversation that is unrelated to the assignment) will result in reduction in citizenship grade, office referral, and loss of participation points.


TEACHER AVAILABILITY: I will be available at enrichment or lunch by prearrangement with each student.


STUDENT CONDUCT: Students are expected to treat each other with courtesy at all times, and to otherwise behave in a manner consistent with a positive learning environment. Specifically, students are to be prompt, remain in their seats unless otherwise directed by the teacher, refrain from eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the classroom, and are to take responsibility for maintaining the classroom. Students who are unable to conduct themselves in such a manner will lose participation points, lower their citizenship grades, and will be subject to office referral.

  If a student attempts to take credit for work that is not his own, he will receive a double zero for that assignment, and be referred to the office.







We have read and understood the classroom guidelines.




______________        ________                                                                            ___________________          ________

Student Signature           Date                                                                                    Parent Signature                        Date 




