Faye tatsu Irondragon of the rose
Humans tend to accuse those they don't understand which is way, I assume nothing its far less dangerous if you ask me so again whats your point?-
Faye tatsu
The Tatsu legend
the Legend
Male characters of haven
Faye location
Sisters of the Irondragon
Name: Faye Tatsu Irondragon
Creator's page
Rp rules with faye
Name: Faye Semanti Tatsu aka Irondragon of the rose

Race: shadow phoenix/Rusalka (succubus) as called a Shinagray.

Age: appears to be 21 but really is over 3,000 years old do to her bloodlines.

Height: 5ft9in ( in many cases she is shorter depending on era)

Weight: 119lbs

Eyes: sapphire blue in her normal form in her secondary from her hair is a Slivery blue.

Hair: Slivery white in her normal form in her secondary from her hair is a winter white.

Clothing: Black halter top, Buckskin pants and moccasins, a long golden buckskin jacket, a buckskin hair binder and a native chocker.

Weapons: Rifle of haven, revolvers of ordinance, Sword of shinagrima and Varity of knives along with hand to hand.

Moves and sel abliities: Faye can cast a variety of seals, Dragons hell, Reaving death, Tormented souls and Seals of the Haven and Nilla gates among these she also know the old text summoning of Aincent angles and demons from her home world Haven and nilla.

Weakness: Faye has very few known weakness, Her main weakness is Hunger which can only be caused by excessive use of her ablities to cast or travel in time. She is a creature of sexual deivance thus her need to feed after such cases of power use.

Hidden talent: Faye can not be seen by normal humans considering her unquie origins the only people that can see her are Humans with unnatural ablities ( abnormal strenght , telepathy ect) , Strong phyics, Holy and unholy clut members ( close ties to satan or god ) and some children or adults tramatized by unnatural beings.

Lover: unknown

Crush: law (in the demon world before earths dimention) kin (the parrallel earth where demons and humans live in co harmony) and dante (when the earth is taken over by demons) and james (during the 1920 when gangsters ruled most of the highrise cities)

Friends: many

Enemies: many

Personality: Serious, Cruel, Ruthless, friendly on occasion when she likes those she around. She been know to have a vicious side when made fun of or tested about her past and family.

History: Faye semanti Tatsu aka Irondragon of the Rose was born on autumn 13th of the year 1313. She was not born human nor is she from earth originally. Faye been born a Shinagray a creature in the mortal world that is half Fallen shingisa and half Rusalka or succubus. Now her succubus or darker side is the part of her that allows Faye to be seen and walk around people or humans. Faye is unable to have children due to her unusual bloodlines without the aid of special crystal combined with her blood she can?t give birth. Faye?s mother was half blood Rusalka and Fallen shingisa or fallen goddess, like her daughter she had the ability to walk among the human world and be seen. Faye mother kept a very special crystal called,? Ordinance of darkness.? This crystal was a gift from Faye great grand mother the Goddess of haven, Lady Freya. The crystal contained her mother sister?s soul the Shinagrima Karma Morgandlen. The Crystal was given to Faye when she turned the age of 13 a right of passage by the courts of Haven and Nilla. Valex Faye father was a bit leery of the crystal that Faye been given being he knew its history and was very Unhappy since his daughter had no idea of what the black crystal contained. Her father was half warrior mage and half darken he was also captain of the Military armaments, His full name was Valex. He was the one who in the beginning of the War between Haven and Nilla had protected Andréa, Freya daughter. During the war in which Faye?s mother Andrea bounty hunter to the council of both haven and Nilla was called on to bring back Her sister soul Karma defender of the realm of Nilla to answer for her injustice claims that the council was controlling things was sheer madness. The reason for her claim was that the council was trying to making other marries without the need for love was insanity and need to reevaluate. Valex had been watching Karma the day and nights when he saw Andréa he had sent another guard to watch her while he left to speak with her sister telling her how he felt about the council?s judgment and punishment was unsuited for her and it was too harsh. Andrea argued with Valex until he kissed her making her feel the warmth of passion causing things to escalate that night the council having found out Andréa betrayal to the councils rules the decided to take Valex and Andrea first child. Their daughter was born to a Priestess in a temple of Light where only a few months later after many debates between the goddess and the council she was cast down from her post and married to a blacksmith against the goddess will. The blacksmith whom was to marry the priestess happened to be a friend of Valex and knew the issues around Valex?s daughter which the priestess carried, the child belonging to Valex his friend Decide to raise the girl like his own daughter. It wasn?t long after Faye?s birth that more children came forms the priestess and the blacksmith. Faye is the first out three sisters. Faye past is not really all to clear as to what happened away from her true parents. There is however a lot known about her from her sisters. At the early age of ten, Faye?s stepfather along with Valex Faye?s true father decided to teach Faye how to fight and stepmother and her true mother Andréa taught her how to cook and use herbs for medicine and drinks. Faye sisters taught her hand to hand along with speed combat that way she could handle the boys in the town that picked on her about her unusual birth. Faye happened to be a well skilled thief having picked it up from her younger sister Nikki who always enjoyed causing trouble. Faye some say is more the type to take a heart in matters then to really get close to anyone due to the fact she was not very well liked by the other species or races for that matter. She rather be left alone unless she really want company or to enjoy a simple converstation. Faye has a very wild and free heart like most her can be fiery and passionate but she is also known to be cold like ice when she feels threatened or is protecting those she loves. Faye stays in her natural or human form most the time until she gets rather pissed letting her true from show. This side is hardly seen by most people unless Faye is in battle but Faye?s not really one to fight often unless she has too. Faye is a sensual fighter, women who rather push the envelope as some might say. Faye?s life story starts from the slave life she was forced into when her surrogate parents died. World that she comes to know very well before she escaped and was set free by her sisters and there friends. Faye later on becomes a huntress or bounty hunter like her true mother to help gets rid of slavery on many worlds. Faye?s stepmother Chi Rivernight died along with Faye?s stepfather Demos Rivernight. Faye?s Father demos gave her two revolvers , A rifle that her mother owned along with a sword of red steel along with three encrusted gems in it one emerald and two sapphires. When Faye was thirteen she was taken into the slavery because she didn?t have any saroget family left in her life. When she was sold at the auction to a herm of a wealthy business man along with her sister Jessie she learned quickly from Jessie how to survive in the harsh environment of the slave world. Faye become a killer like her sister Jessie shadowbane Tatsu whom later on with nikki help was freed promising Faye that she would one day return to free her. Several years later when Faye turned eighteen her Sister Jessie returned. Taking Faye away from the mistress kreya that kept her in chains and bound in the basement punishing her for running away from her villa and clients. Faye second sister Jessie freed Faye from her chains and in turn killed Faye old mistress for her harsh deeds done to her sibling with the help from Nikki and her friends. Faye and Jessie become like sister both deadly and each stuck to one another side like thorns on a rose after Faye had been freed. Faye became a Bounty huntress living to kill when she needs the money and when she felt that justice need to hand out. Faye also has things she does for pleasure like Jessie and Nikki who both have dark side that are rarely touch due to the fact that most humans that piss them off tend to die especially in Jessie case. Faye is the collected and cool one of her three sisters being she is the most responsible but she holds many secrets. Faye was trained at the earliest of ages to fight. Faye keeps to herself but will ask for help from those she trust and her sisters when she knows she needs it. Faye?s dislike?s are those threaten her and her family, those that are rude and create injustices, and those who try to take advantage of the weak. Faye was given the name Irondragon of the rose for her kills due to she leaves a rose behind for the innocent victims. Being Faye is something of a mystery to most men and women that met her, She tend to stick in shadows and watch what is going on staying away from anyone that tries to get close. Faye is well known for being who she is and keeping her mind on her job when she has one. Faye knows she is half-blooded and is prone to extreme hunger from time to time due to her bloodlines unquiness. She has a hard time when it come down to keeping her secret hidden being that she not from earth but when her secret out in the open for the world to see she takes every step to hide it from hunters even if it means kill a few hundred to keep her family safe.