Chubes 12 Comics:
Mafia men, Ninja's and soon to be more are united for the first time on one website...
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To save bandwidth I removed both of The Mafia, and Peace Sucks Index's, and replaced them with the download links below. Click on the links below their corresponding Series Pictures to view the comics I've made available on this site.
Peace Sword Comics:
The Mafia Comics:
Peace Sucks Logo II: Black Family Tree
The Mafia Part -IV - Part Zero
Peace Sucks Story: The Beginning
The Mafia Part I - Part V
Peace Sucks -XXIX - -XX (Rough Draft)
The Mafia Part VI - Part X
Peace Sucks -XIX - -XV
The Mafia Part XI - Part XV
Peace Sucks -XIV - -X
The Mafia Extra's
Peace Sucks -IX - -V
The Mafia Extra's II Part V + VI Originals
The Mafia Part XVI - XXV (Rough Draft)
Peace Sucks -IV - 0
The Mafia Part XXVI - XXXV (Rough Draft)
Peace Sucks I - III
The Mafia Part XXXVI - XLV (Rough Draft)
Peace Sucks III 1/2 - V 1/2
The Mafia Part XLVI - L (Rough Draft)
Peace Sucks VI - X
The Mafia Part LI - LIII (Rough Draft) (New)
Peace Sucks XI - XV
Mafia Crap Comics Parts I - V (Rough Draft)
Peace Sucks XVI - XX
Peace Sucks XXI - XXV
Misscelaneous Comics:
Peace Sucks XXVI - XXX
Random Comics
Peace Sucks XXXI - XXXV
The Infinium:
Peace Sucks XXXVI - XL
Peace Sucks XLI - XLV
The Infinium I - V (Rough Draft)
The Infinium VI - X (Rough Draft)
Peace Sucks XLVI - L
Peace Sword LI - LV (Rough Draft)
Food Groupies:
Peace Sucks LVI - LX (Rough Draft)
Food Groupies I - V (Rough Draft)
Peace Sword: What really happened to Joe Black
Peace Sword- A Lost Comic
Peace Sword Extra's:
Peace Sucks Extra's
Below is my newest Comic Series, it's small but that'll change hopefully very soon. A word of advice: Peace Sword 2 is called "Peace Sword 2" because it directly follows the events of Peace Sword/Peace Sucks, therefore if you find something confusing please reference to Peace Sword/Peace Sucks because it's possible I've already covered that, and you'll probably find your answer there.
Peace Sucks Pivot Comics I - V 1/2
Peace Sucks Pivot I
Peace Sucks Pivot II
Peace Sucks Pivot Comic XX
Peace Sucks 2: Logo New Characters Revealed!
Peace Sucks Timeline:
Peace Sucks Timeline II:
Peace Sword: Random Battles
Peace Sword 2: The New Series Peace Sword: Sword History
Peace Sword: Dead Plots
Peace Sword 2 I - X (Rough Draft)