St. Patrick Conference of St. Vincent de Paul

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a worldwide society of Catholic lay people dedicated to serving the needs of the poor. Every diocese has a St. Vincent de Paul organization and it is mandated for every parish. Here at St. Patrick there has been a longstanding tradition of St. Vincent de Paul. Recently the committee underwent reorganization with the recommendation of the Lowell Chapter. This reorganization has given us a more efficient way of implementing the policies of the society and thereby being of assistance the needs of more people.

The members of our St. Patrick Conference meet once a month to review the month's activity and to discuss and recurring or special issues. The society under the leadership of elected individuals, President, Secretary, and Treasurer, determine the degree of help that can be offered any given situation.

The society assists with utility bills, rents, evictions, furniture, and through our St. Patrick/St. Vincent Food Pantry is able to provide emergency food to those in need. We are most blessed by having dedicated people of the parish involved in this ministry. Due to the nature of their work, the names of those on this committee is confidential as is those who are assisted by them.

Bereavement Ministry

The members of our Bereavement Ministry: Andrea Reilly, Norma Murphy, and Brenda Conway; assist those families in the parish who are experiencing the death of a family member. During the past year, our Bereavement Ministry met 39 families helping them to plan the Funeral Liturgies and offering on behalf of the entire parish sympathy and support.

In assisting with the Funeral Mass, members of this ministry help families pick out music and Scripture readings, as well as indicate other ways that they may be able to make the liturgy more personal to their loved one. From the information they receive from the family, a Funeral Program is prepared for distribution as mourners arrive for the Rites of Christian Burial.

The individual ministers are also responsible for contacting the family three months and six months after the death to offer whatever support may be needed. The members of this ministry are also involved in planning our Annual Bereavement Memorial Mass in which we remember all those who have died in the past year. Family members are invited to the Mass and to lunch served in the rectory immediately following the Mass. We would be remiss if we did not thank Jack Flood, who in a sense is an Ex Officio member of this ministry. Jack is at every funeral celebrated at St. Patrick and assists in many of the details, which need tending to.

Altar Servers Ministry

In the history of the Church, there were four minor orders, which were received by men who were studying for the priesthood. Those minor were Porter, Lector, Acolyte, and Exorcist. As the frequency of Mass celebration increase to a daily worship event, there was insufficient numbers of acolytes to assist the priest at the altar. To meet the need they developed what we know as altar servers. For the longest time, this role was reserved for boys only, but Pope John Paul II Open this ministry to girls as well.

Here at St. Patrick, we are most grateful to Mr. David McKean for his dedicated efforts in training the young boys and girls of our parish who are involved in this ministry.

At Present we are most appreciated of the services of: Lauren Boucher, Tony Martin, Caitlin McKean, Michael Abcunas, Donagh Mckean, Danialle Boucher, Ashley Abcunas, Kristen McKean, Kaelagh Haley, Joseph Raymond, for the Cambodian Masses we are proud to have: Thlay Thla Chim, Rong R. Chim, Prasor Chim, Sethik Ros, Nick Ros, Sophor Ros, and for our Vietnamese Community, we weren't given any names...but we are thankful for our Vietnamese servers as well.

Page TWO of our Parish Ministry will include the followings:

Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) | Eucharistic Ministers | Ministry of Lector | Altar Care Ministry | Baptismal Catechizes Ministry.

Page THREE of our Parish Ministry will include the followings:

Youth Ministry/Religious Education | Ministry to The Homebound | Fund Raising Ministry | Parish Council Ministry.