004.jpg (9650 bytes)   The story takes place in a planet called Nexus, Nexus government is leaded by a company called UNION, name given by the three moons that surrounds it.  This corporation is protected by a group of warriors that has been trained to protect the planet from every kind of attack.  Leaded by Governor Festhad, Union's military forces are divided in two subgroups, ALPHA TEAM and BETA TEAM.  The Alpha Team is where the best soldiers of Union are, the Beta has the rookies that will hopefully join the Alpha Team as soon as their skills are completed.

    This is where the main character appears, he's a new member of the ALPHA TEAM, he was trained by the fearful leader of the A.T. known as Kane.  Both of the teams fights to maintain justice and peace on the planet of Nexus, that's until their invaded by the Tyrants.  The conflict started because the Tyrants and Governor Festhad had an agreement to give Nexus best scientist for a project that the Tyrants were making.  The Tyrants would give them some weapons in change, but Festhad's son, Governor Sean, taking advantage of his father's illness, canceled the agreement and decided to confront the Tyrants so he could have the respect from other enemies.  Now that the agreement has been canceled by Sean, the Tyrants decided to attack in order to get Professor Jive.  But Governor Sean counts with the power of his warriors to defend Nexus from the Tyrants.