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Gokus saiyan name is Kakarot(which I prefer calling him). During the Dragonball series Goku did not know of his saiyan heritage, it was not until the Dragonball Z series he found out, when his brother Raditz(Goku`s brother) came to check on his progress. The story goes when saiyan children are born there power level is checked well with Goku he was consider one of the weakest. So he was sent to Earth to destroy the inhabitants and prepare it for sale(more info in the Saiyan Page). When Goku arrived on Earth he hit his head and forgot his programming and the Goku we know today was born.

During the tournament in the Dragonball series Goku meets Chi-Chi and they have two children, Gohan and Goten. Gohan was first born while Goten came after.
Goku was the first to reach the Super Saiyan stage, this he accomplished after seeing the death of his best friend Krillin during the fight againts Frieza, more info HERE.


Piccolo is Gokus old rival. The Piccolo that is seen during Dragonball Z is the second Piccolo, the first was defeated by Goku when he was a boy. When the first Piccolo took his last breath a egg popped out of his mouth and thus Piccolo we know today was born. This Piccolo then fought Goku in the last round of the Tenkaichi-Budokai Tournament, even though he lost both him and Goku were only seperated in power level by something like 10. It is not until Goku trains under King Kai that Goku begins to pass Piccolo.

Piccolo is native to the Planet Namek, as a Namekian he can regenerate any part of his body. And because of this he can extend any part of his body to extreme lengths and also grow to ten times his original size.

After helping Goku defeat Raditz he begins to change and become a good guy, this is mainly because while
he trained Gohan(prepairing for the arrival of Vegita and Nappa) Piccolo formed a bond with Gohan this was showen when he gave up his own life for Gohan when Gohan was gonna be blasted away by Nappa.


Gohan is Goku`s first son, he is firat seen at the beginning of the Dragonball Z series during the Raditz saga. We start to see Gohan`s strength when he is taken by his uncle Raditz and put in hid pod while Raditz goes and battles with Goku and Piccolo. During this fight Raditz is always picking up an unknown power level that is greater than his, Goku`s and Piccolos put together. Gohan then comes crashing out of the pod and wastes Raditz right in the guts.

It is at this time that we find out that gohan is actually stronger than his father, but he only shows it when he gets real pissed off with his opponents. It is because of this he cannot control his true power(I blame his mother!!). Gohan was the first to change into Super Saiyan2, this was accomplished during
the Cell games(which is just started on TV), his anger grew when he was watching all of his friends get wasted by Cell and when he saw Android #16 get destroyed he just snapped and screams out in rage and everyone cant believe there eyes(I am hoping to get the clip of this transformation, so keep checking).