

  "Oh gee Minamino-san, really!" "Oh Minamino-san! I want to be your partner Minamino-san!" "No Minamino-san. Pick me!" all the girls pleaded Kurama. Kurama flashed a smile. He probably had the biggest sweatdrop any kitsune could have. "Uh. Not that I don't want to chose any of you, but you know very well that our teacher would be the one to choose. Sooo..." Kurama paused for a while on his follow-up sentance. "I really can't decide for you." he said with a very polite tone. "Oh I'm sure I'll get to be with Minamino-san. I can feel it!" "Well, you can't trust your feelings. I'm sure Minamino-san will be with me." "You got it all wrong..." the girls' voices trailed off as they left, happily chattering among themselves. Kurama let out a sigh of relief. Man, this is going to be hard, Kurama sat on his bed, still in his uniform, rubbing his temples. "Oh great" a moan escaped his lips. Ever since their Biology teacher announced that there would be an outdoor hiking for an investigatoy project next week, the girls never stopped pestering him about who is going to be his partner. There can be groups, there can also be partners. Kurama decided that it would be easier to manage with a partner, problem is, he had to choose among the class. Choose? Yikes... he flopped down his bed and shifted to a more comfortable position. I hope Kaitou doesn't mind... No. Kaitou has a partner already. Damn! "Shuichi? Shuichi," Kurama's mother called from the kitchen. "Would you like to have your snack dear?" "Coming kaasan!"

  "Aaargh! Enough already! You two! OUT! OUT OF MY OFFICE. RIGHT NOW!!!" "Y-yessir Koenma-sama!" Botan and George nervously said at the same time. "How many times did I tell you and how many more times do I have to tell you to KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY PAPERS!!!" Koenma furiously asked "Sheesh! If you just can't....." Botan quietly slipped away as the enraged Koenma continued to blabber about who's the boss, such and such. Koenma is really pissed off now. Gotta make a clean escape... "And for the last time, KEEP YOUR GRUBBY PAWS OFF MY WORK!..." Koenma continued his non-stop scrubbing. Good, Koenma's still busy. And just as Botan reached the door... "And where do you think you are going?" "Huh? Me sir?" Botan asked innocently. "Of course not Botan, I was talking to the door." Koenma said sarcastically. "Oh. Oh yeah! I knew that all the time. Wait, the door doesn't move, does it?" She asked. Koenma had a huge sweatdrop hung over his head, then suddenly, the background blazed into flames. "OF COURSE NOT YOU DITZ YOU!!!" Koenma screamed "N-n-not s-sir?" she squeked. "AARGH!!! Out! Out! GET OUT NOW!!!" Koenma barked. Botan didn't budge, but soon she obliged. Great. Just great! Now, what the hell am I supposed to do? Heck, it takes at least a month for Koenma-sama to cool down. Botan thought as she dragged herself out of the prince's office. *Sigh* I knew I should have applied for a tournament referee instead. I wonder if Koto can give me an application form... For a moment, Botan imagined herself in the center of a huge ring... "On the left corner, standing taller than me, the very-well known bomber bummer, ladies, gentlemen, youkais of all kind please welcome.... Kaaaraaasuuuu!!! On the right corner, still standing taller then me, the plant-generating *whispers* and not to mention gorgeous youko, pleeeease welcome, our very own Kuuuuuraaaamaaaa!!! Karasu versus Kura---"... Botan suddenly snapped out of her illusion. Waitaminit! I am NOT going to wear the skimpy referee's uniform! Forget it she thought... Hey! There's Kurama... maybe I oughtta pay him a visit...

  TAP-TAP-TAP!!! An impatient tapping woke Kurama up from his sleep. "Wha? Who?" he then glanced at the alarm clock positioned on his desk beside his bed, then at the window, where the tapping came from. TAP-TAP-TAP!!! "What the?" TAP-TAP-TAP!!! No longer sleepy, his body tense, he dared inquire "Who's there?" TAP-TAP-TAP!!! More tapping. "Who's there?" Kurama asked, more suspicious this time. Then, as if it was a cue, suddenly, there was a crash, followed by a yelp of pain. "Damn!" Kurama quickly put on his robe and hurried outside very cautiously, so that the other members of the house wouldn't be disturbed. A Makai demon? In the middle of the night? Talk about a bad timing. He tiptoed to the front door, trying not to be heard. From the outside, Kurama could hear moaning and groaning and a lot of grouting which he really can't make the words out. Slowly and with much anticipation, he opened the door to find.... No one? Kurama looked about. Then, suddenly, a hooded person popped up right in front of his face! "Hiya Kurama!" the hooded person greeted. "Woah." Kurama was taken by surprise that he unconsciously took a step backward. "Who? What are you?" He asked. The hooded person made a sound.... Giggling? This is weird... "Kurama, have you forgotten? It's me!" with this, the person took off the hood, revealing its true face. "Botan? What are you doing here?" Kurama asked, totally puzzled. Botan giggled again. "Long story. I ---- oops! Is it just me, or is it raining?" Kurama reached out his hand to feel the outside. "Yep. It's raining alright. You better come in and get cozy." he paused for a moment, then, frowned. "Kaasan will see you. I guess... I guess you have to stay in my room for tonight. You sleeping over?" he asked thoughtfully. "Uh, yeah, I guess. How about you Kurama, where will you stay?" Botan asked as she entered the living room. "Shhh. Keep your voice down. I'll stay in the guestroom. I can always tell 'kaasan that It's cold in my room, so I transferred." He explained. "You'll lie to your mother?" she asked. Kurama grinned a foxy grin. "Don't I always? Besides, I just can't say that the deity of death came to our house through my bedroom window which she failed to do and that she have to stay for the night and is sleeping in my room, can I?" he asked with a slight tone of sarcasm. Botan wrinkled her nose "I guess not." "Anyway, forget that." Kurama said as he quietly led Botan to his room. "So. What's the new mission?" he asked expectantly as he sat on his bed, arms folded. Botan explored the room. "Ooo. Nice room..." she said with an amused tone. "Yeah, kaasan designed it. Funny isn't it, how she would know my taste. Anyway, about the new mission?" Botan pretended not to hear. "Huh? Oh look! I can't believe you have your own laptop! Oh how cute!" she exclaimed as she studied the keys carefully. Kurama's lips twitched, an eyebrow shot up suspiciously. "Let me guess. Fired? Replaced? Exiled? Wanted criminal? What's your case?" he asked. Botan's jaw dropped. "Knowing you Botan, the way you came in, how you are acting, you probably wouldn't be here if you hadn't done anything to irritate Koenma." he said casually "So, spit it out." Botan's mouth opened to say something, then closed. "I... I..." she sat down beside Kurama. "Koenma...well... he's kinda mad again" she said quietly, so seriously that Kurama could hardly believe that it was Botan he was talking to. "Kurama, tell me, what have I done wrong? I've tried so had to win his affections by helping him with his paperwork, and I get scolded for that!" Botan suddenly burst into tears. "I...sniff...I even make him coffee. I...sniff...I always cover up for him every time his father would get mad. Sniff... I'm...I'm sick and tired Kurama! Sick and tired of making efforts that are unappreciated!" she wailed. Kurama wrapped an arm around her shoulders, trying to comfort her. "There, there. Maybe all he needs is a little space. He'll probably realize that you mean a lot to him if you would just give him time." Kurama said gently. Botan looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "You think so?" she asked. Kurama nodded. "Tell you what, you can stay here for as long a you want. Just stay in my room and don't come out until I tell you to. We'll have to wait till tomorrow morning. I'm sure I can pull it off, we'll have to fake it. Do you trust me?" Botan nodded. Kurama smiled. "Good. Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." he said as he stood up and headed for the door. "Are you sure?" Botan asked, her voice still wobbly from all that crying. "Trust me." Kurama said as he closed the door, then he opened again and peeked in. "Oh, before I forget. Good night Botan" she smiled. "Good night Kurama."

  "Morning Kurama!" a cheerful voice greeted him. "Mwfghmph?" Kurama uttered as he buried his face deeper under the pillows. "Morning mom..." wait, Kurama? he thought "What the?" Kurama sat upright, eyes wide open, staring at the laughing figure in front of him. "What in the three worlds are you doing here Botan?!" he exclaimed. Botan however, could not answer due to the fact that she was laughing her appendix out. "Really Botan, very funny." he said dryly. "S-s-sorry. *giggle* I can't help it." she said trying to control her laughter. "Really now." Kurama said rolling his eyeballs. Then Kurama suddenly remembered what happened last night. "I told you not to come out of my room till I say so." he said. Botan was just about to answer when the door opened Oh great! I'm dead he thought. "Oh good morning Shuichi. I see that you've met your friend already." Shiori smiled. "Go get dressed and I'll fix breakfast, otherwise you'll be late." she said as she left the room. "Oh by the way, I don't see why you transferred to the guest room." as soon as Shiori was far enough, Kurama shot Botan an I-can't-believe-you look. Botan grinned. "Heh. Last night, just about ten minutes after you tucked me in, I decided to go to Kuwabara's. Well, Shizuru was awake and she said that she was expecting me." she paused. "And?" Kurama asked impatiently. "...And I explained everything and she lent me clothes and I slept over because it was raining hard outside and I can't get back here without waking you guys up soooo....." she paused again to breathe "I went here dressed as a classmate of yours and since your mother knew me she woke you up AND since you didn't wake up, I woke you up and now... I... well... I dunno what to do." she finally finished, panting and a little bit out of breath "Got that?" Kurama was speechless. He just nodded with disbelief. "Oh, and I got this uniform from Shizuru, and I don't know where she got it." Botan said. Kurama thought for a while. "So, are you telling me that you'll come to my school today as my classmate?" he asked "Well, I did it with Yusuke. What's wrong with that?" Great. Just great. Kurama thought. "I... No. Nothing's wrong. Just please... uh… never mind."

  "Minamino-san!" Kurama looked behind him. here we go again... "Why good morning Okuma-san, anything I can do for you?" Aimi Okuma sighed. "Minamino-san... I was... uh... wondering if..." she didn't even have the time to finish what she was supposed to say when a swarm of girls flooded over Kurama. "Minamino-san!" "Over here Minamino-san!" "Minamino-san, I'm here!" they all said at the same time. Oh boy... "Uh, Kurama..." Botan whispered. "You're even more popular than Koenma himself!" "Oh... um, what can I say... oh yippee." he whispered back, somewhat annoyed. "Uh, girls, I'd really love to chat. But time is running short and classes are to begin soon. I guess I gotta run." he said as courteously as he could. yeah, run.

Meanwhile, in the classroom...

  "Hey Kurama, got any partner yet?" Kaitou asked as he stood beside him. "*Sigh* Wish I did." Kurama answered disdainfully. "Woah. Bad mood today aren't we? Girls are all around you, why not---Waitaminit." he stopped short, "Is that new girl really new, or somewhat somehow not so new to me?" he asked, pointing at Botan. "Yep, it's her alright." Kurama said casually. "Botan? If I'm not mistaken..." "Uh-huh. Got Koenma's blood pressure waaaay up. Now she's hiding here like some wanted criminal." "Tough. Hey Kurama, why not pick Botan? Besides, you already know her." Kaitou suggested "Botan? Well... no I can't. I can't risk failing Biology." he said. "Well, It sure sounds like a better idea to me. That is, if you don't want to spend the whole 48 hours telling your partner to quit staring at you as if you had an awful nose job." Kaitou said shrugging. Kurama looked at Botan thoughtfully Botan. No, not her. But.... "You know what Kaitou? I think you're right." he finally decided. "Of course I am---I always am." he said jokingly.

  "Ready?" Kurama asked "Wait a sec----" Botan answered back. It has been almost a week since Botan visited Ningenkai, and anybody can say she's really enjoying herself. It was 5:30 in the morning and Kurama and Botan were just about to leave the house for the overnight camping for Biology's investigatory project. the class were supposed to go to a mountain somewhat isolated from the city. They were going to do a research on the behavior of the animals in the forest. Gee, I sure do hope this works out. Kurama thought. "The class is going to leave at six, are you sure you haven't forgotten anything?" he asked. "No. I just don't remember in which pocket I stuffed the mosquito repellant." Botan said shuffling in her large duffel bag. "Oh forget that! I have one in my bag." Kurama said impatiently. "Oh, okay!"

  "Okay, people, settle down, we'll be arriving in Mt. Hiei in about an hour and a half." Mr. Shinhama, their Biology teacher announced. Botan slumped into a seat next to Kurama. "Oooh..." she moaned. "Any problem?" Kurama asked with concern. "I...I hate these rides. I hate trains. They make me sick." She said in a slightly wobbly voice. Kurama looked at her with wonder. "What?!" she asked uncomfortably. Kurama leaned closer to her. Botan shifted position, she was a bit uneasy with Kurama looking at her like that. Kurama reached out his hand held Botan's face. "Uhmm, Kurama?" Botan asked, obviously disturbed by Kuram's behavior. "Shh... this will make you feel better." He said gently, almost like a whisper. Kurama then moved two fingers and pressed it firmly on Botan's neck, just below her earlobe. "Here." he said, smiling. Botan nodded, still somewhat confused. "This is some sort of massage. It helps cut out the nausea." Kurama explained patiently. Botna nodded again, this time, she smiled. "I see..."

  "Finally!" Botan beamed triumphantly as she arrived at the campsite with Kurama following behind. Well, this seems like a nice place to start.... he thought "So Botan, what do you think of the cabin?" Kurama asked Botan, who was exploring the small, stuffy bunk. "My room's definitely better." she said, giggling. Kurama smiled. "Well you better be ready. We'll hit the woods soon after Mr. Shinhama gives the lecture. We should be getting back here at night time" "Woods? Do you mean the forest or something?" she asked. "Scared?" he teased. "Me? Kurama, just how many times have I been to the forest before. With my job, the forest have been like a hangout or something. Hell, I've been escorting souls--GHOSTS to be precise. I have no reason to be afraid of the woods, or what's in there." Botan retorted. "Easy now, no need to be so defensive." he said with a smirk. "Anyway, here in ningenkai, apparently, you're a ningen. Well who knows what's out there?" he explained. "Try me." she said with a smile.

  "Oh man*puff* I... how much*pant* more farther?" Botan asked exhaustedly. "Try you eh?" Kurama asked. "No really, I'm serious. I wish I could have taken my oar instead." she complained as she sat down on a nearby log. "Well, we're about um, five miles away from camp and about a hundred miles away from home... an oh, about four miles from the marshes." Kurama said, busily writing notes on his notebook. Botan groaned. "Well, there seems to be a spring nearby, or something like that, and since we're here, we might as well rest for a while." he said, dropping his bag and sitting beside Botan. "Good thing we started early. At least we can afford to have a 30 minute break." Kurama said. Botan groaned again "Thirty minutes..." she whispered. "Kurama, I'm tired, and I believe you are too. Let's just head back to camp and come back here early tomorrow morning." she said, hoping to convince Kurama to go back. Kurama thought for a while, then headed towards his bag. "Tell you what," he said, pulling out a small mat and placing it on the ground. "You may rest for a while. I'll see if I can go get anything for us to eat," he said, standing up. "Oh, before I forget," he took a small seed from his hair and planted it. He commanded his ki to make it grow. The seed grew into a vine that encircled the area where Botan was. "This one will keep you safe till I get back." with that, Kurama left Botan. Botan sat on the mat Kurama laid for her. Kurama... Koenma slowly, she lied down and faced the blue sky. Closing her eyes, she reminisced the times she and Koenma usually spent together. Everything was just perfect then, just perfect. *sigh* I guess Koenma-sama is just too good for me... so much for my dreams... At least... at least, I'm lucky to have the Reikai tantei as my friends... especially Kurama... she yawned. I hope Kurama won't mind if a take a little forty winks...

  "Botan," a voice called. "Botan, wake up." "Huh?" "Botan, do you have any idea what time it is?" with this, Botan suddenly sat up. "Oh yessir reporting for duty sir!" She said, now fully awake. Kurama laughed. "You really miss him don't you?" he asked. "Huh? Kurama? Oh!" Botan blushed. "I... I'm sorry." she said. "Forget that. Its about quarter to six. Too late to head back to camp." Kurama said, tossing a few branches into the crackling fire. "Huh? What?! We're all alone here in the woods?" she exclaimed. "Yeah, something like that." ha answered, sitting beside her. "Are we lost or something?" Botan asked nervously.

Deep in the woods there is danger...
A vicious serpent lingers...
Slithering, unnoticed, aiming at its delicious prey...

Unlike earlier, the night was dark and the forest seem to have a life of its own. Botan shivered at the thought. I wonder how Yusuke can manage on times like this. "Botan?" "Huh?" "I've been calling you four times, are you okay?" Kurama asked worriedly. "Yeah, I guess. It's just that OUCH!" she yelped in pain. "Why? Is anything wro---oh shit! Don't move." Kurama saw it. The snake struck another deadly pose, this time, aiming at him. "Kurama... It hurts." Botan said weakly. Kurama pointed his finger at the vine he planted and just as instantly, it attacked and soon devoured the cursed reptile. "Botan! Are you okay?" he asked. "My leg... I can't move my leg..." her voice was getting weaker with every word. Kurama stared at her leg, he quickly took the remains of the vine and tied it very tightly on Botan's upper thigh, just a few inches above the snakebite. "What are you doing?" she asked, her leg feeling numb. "Relax, just trust me okay." Botan closed her eyes and nodded. "I told you not to wear those khaki shorts." he said jokingly. Botan managed to laugh a little. She opened her eyes "How... how bad is it?" Botan tried to make eye contact with Kurama, who was busily attending to her wound, but to no avail. Kurama looked at her seriously. "Trust me." he said after finally managing to tie a secure knot. He took a deep breath. "Ready?" he asked her. Botan nodded. Kurama then placed his lips firmly over the wound and then, sucked. Much to Botan's surprise. "W-what are you doing?" she asked, shocked at his abrupt move. Kurama didn't answer, instead, he spat out the blood containing the snake's venom on the ground, then sucked again. He did this about four more times, then finally, he took another seed from his hair, grew it then took some leaves and applied it to her wound. Botan was speechless for a while, she just watched in wonder as Kurama tended her wound carefully. Finally, Kurama took a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it around the injured area of Botan's leg, sealing the herbs to do it's job. "There. Done." he said, carefully checking the vine that he tied earlier. "This oughtta be okay tomorrow morning." he said. Botan continued to stare at him. "That soon?" she asked in disbelief. "Hey, I'm a youko, remember?" he said with a smile. "Oh, yeah." then, remembering what Kurama did earlier, Botan blushed and looked downward. Seeing this Kurama chuckled. "It's called first aid Botan." he explained. After saying this, Botan blushed more. "I'm sorry..." she did not dare look at him, for she was embarrassed at the fact that she gave a different meaning to what Kurama had done.

  Kurama sensed that she was uncomfortable. Suddenly, she felt Kurama's hand took hers. His finger lifted up her chin. "Don't be... I'm not." he whispered as he moved his face closer to hers. For a moment, Botan thought that she was unconscious and dreaming, but she proved herself wrong when she felt Kurama's lips hot on hers. The kiss ended up quickly, too abrupt for Botan. "I-I'm sorry." Kurama said, looking away. He stood up and sat opposite Botan, looking at the starry sky. What have I done? Botan loves Koenma... not me. Not me. In his heart he regretted asking Botan to be his partner, he regretted meeting her in the first place. "Kurama..." he heard Botan calling him. Kurama looked back at her, he flashed a small smile. Botan tried all her effort to stand up, and she was successful. She walked up, wobbled her way to Kurama and sat beside him. Kurama stared at her. "Are you mad at me Botan?" he asked. "No... Are you?" she asked back. "No.." they were silent for a while, nobody spoke. Finally, Botan decided to break the ear-shattering silence. "The night is beautiful isn't it?" she asked looking at the peaceful sky. "Yes..." Kurama answered looking down. "And you know what Botan?" he asked mysteriously, his eyes boring into hers. "So are you..." he finally said. He tried his best to be more friendly rather than intimate, but he just couldn't help it. With a sigh, he gave her the fiercest mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ever recorded in history... This time, Botan responded, kissing him back.

  As soon as they broke apart, Botan frowned. "Is there anything wrong?" Kurama asked uneasily. Botan tilted her head, "No. It's just that---they're going to look for us, right?" she asked. Kurama nodded. "I guess so. Why?" "Well..." she paused. A deep shade of crimson crept upon her face. "What if they find us like this?" Kurama laughed. "So what? They can't do anything, can they?" he said. Botan grinned. "I guess not." Kurama gave her a wide smile. "A beautiful woman and a youko, all alone, in the woods... What could happen?" he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Am I in danger?" she asked. Kurama smiled again, then frowned. "We'll have to ask Koenma about that." he said, suddenly becoming dead serious. "Oh..." Botan sputtered out. Kurama looked hopefully at her. They were silent again. Then, Botan spoke up. "Kurama, here in Ningenkai, am I a ningen?" she asked, avoiding his gaze. Kurama didn't say anything, he just nodded. "Then I can die like everybody else, right?" she asked again, this time facing him. Kurama gave her a puzzeled look. Botan gave him an assuring smile. She took his hand and placed it on her chest. "Kurama, there's no need for Koenma's permission." "What do you mean? I know you love him" he asked. "I do... I mean, I did, I used to..." she closed her eyes. "Feel my heart." As a response, Kurama closed his eyes. "...Koenma is great, handsome, popular, powerful and... and... and not meant for me." Botan finished, releasing Kurama's hand. "All this time, I knew this. But still, I persuaded on my feelings. Now, now look at me... so, so hurt, forsaken... Till tonight." Kurama opened his eyes and focused on hers. "When I die... When I die...That's the only time when I'll get to see him. I was never of much importance anyway. To him, I was just an ordinary ferry girl with an extraordinary job." Kurama opened his mouth to say something, then closed. "Kurama, only your love can hold me here in Ningenkai. Do... do you...?" she said, turning away and cusing silently for being so agressive. Once again, they were enveloped in silence. Kurama inhaled deeply. Botan sighed "I'm sorry Kurama for being so expectant, I---" "Botan, look at me." he cooed, reaching out his hand to Botan's face. Slowly, Botan turned her head to face him. "Ai shiteru..."

THE END...... er, sort of… hehehehe….

Author's notes: Finally, finished!!! Anyway, this is actually my first K+B fic, please don't be hard on me. I'm not good with vocabulary. Please excuse my small wordsand wrong spellings. Ehehehe ^^; Oh, and about Kurama cursing and all that… well… I dunno why. I guess I was influenced by those ya---- er, never mind So, what do you think? Should I make a part two or something? Comments (both positive and negative) are needed badly!!!

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