The Missing Angel
Rating: R
Status: In Progress
Parts: Part1 Part2 Part3

Notes: This story is the "original" story of Shatters of a Heart, well, even when I haven't finished it, I started writing this story way before Shatters of a Heart, so if you don't think the events match, don't worry- they are not supposed to. You can see both stories as a different one if you please, but the characters are the same. Maybe if I am able to finally finish it, you can see it IS the same story in a weird way. Actually Shatters and To be with You are side stories of Missing Angel, so they are not meant to be the same. Don't think the ending of one is the ending of the other. Since I'm still writing this one, I may change Yutaka's end. And you don't need to read one to understand the other, like I said, both are individual stories, but also the same. Ok I confused you-only I can understand. ~_~

Summary: Kouin Takahashi is an angel. He was left on Earth for a mission to save his own planet, but he doesn't know any of it because most of his memories were erased. Now, after his 18 birthday, he is ready to take on his mission, but does he want to go back home or does he have stronger attachments to Earth? Find out how the main character struggles as everything is revealed, and as his feelings change.