Islam is peace or disease? We have the evidence!!!

Israel & Zionism

A Muslim mom and her son:
In this undated but recent image released Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, by the Islamic terrorist group Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, female Hamas suicide bomber Reem Raiyshi, holds her son Obida, 3, as they pose with weapons. Raiyshi blew herself up at the major border crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip, on Jan. 14, 2004, killing herself and four Israelis.

In no Christian or Jewish Bible are there verses that teach to kill or dislike any Muslims, in the Koran, it does: "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends!" [From the Koran: al-Ma'idah 5:51.11].

Muslim peace plans:
What is worse? Islam or Zionism?

The media is full of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism and especially, they are pro-Islam. It's always Israel and the "Zionists" that are being blamed, well, let's start by looking at what MUSLIM children are learning in their MUSLIM schools:

Note: check out the Israeli flags and the Arabic letters in these pictures if you can't believe that these are MUSLIM children learning to hate, kill, etc, etc.

Muslims are peaceful people?
(World War 2) "HEIL HITLER" Now Upgraded to "ALLAH AKBAR" (World War 3?)
The Upgraded Islam 


Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionist people (including liberal Jews) often claim that Jews or the Zionists are worse or as worse as the Nazis. The Muslims, of course, Liberals see them as the "victim", well, let's see how much different the Muslims are from the Nazis:

Hold on! Wait a minute! Where else have we seen this before!?!?! 

Oh yeah! The Ku Klux Klan! (KKK, notice the symbols in the picture above)

Let's see some differences between the Neo-Nazi KKK and Muslims from terrorists organizations like Hamas (which the French calls a "freedom fighters" organization, like the USA called Al-Qaeda terrorists freedom fighters (before the 9-11 attacks) when the USA helped Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists to fight the Russians.

What's the difference between Neo-Nazis/Facists and the Muslims?

Below are pictures of the (Neo-Nazi fascist) Ku Klu Klan (KKK) members:   Below are pictures of Islamic/Muslim terrorists:



(note the Arabic letters)

(check out the "Palestinian"/Jordanian flag in this Muslim's kid's hand)
The main difference between the Neo-Nazis and the Muslims is that the Neo-Nazis don't hide their hate, the Muslims do. On top of that, the Muslims are far far far more worse.


A must see video. Click here to watch this video.
Did you know that there is only one Arab race? there is no Iraqi race, Jordanian race, Algerian race or whatever Arab race. There is only one.

Israel was called Canaan in the ancient days. The land known as Canaan was situated in the territory of the southern Levant, which today encompasses Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, and the southern portions of Syria and Lebanon. Check out this map of Canaan below: As you can see, the Israel of today isn't the Israel of old! MUSLIMS HAVE STOLEN MORE THAN 90% of ISRAEL! ALREADY!

In parenthesis, we see the name "Syria" under Aram. In fact, the French made Syria!!! the Muslims couldn't even figure a name for the land they have stolen! keep in mind, this map of Canaan is the proof that the Muslims have stolen more than 90% of Israel.

In fact, the only genuine Arabic country in the world is Saudi-Arabia. After the creation of Islam, Arab Muslims spread across the Middle-East to conquer and Islamize as much land as possible. All the way to India, the Muslims have brought terror wherever they went.

Iraq, Jordan and every other country in the Middle-East and some abroad are creations of British and some of the French, except Israel and Saudi-Arabia (by the way, the Arabs didn't even had a name for their country!). Most Muslim countries are oil-rich but non of the oil fields are discovered by them! it was all the British who have discovered the oil fields in the middle-east!

You may have heard a lot about Egypt's old culture. THOSE WEREN'T ARABS! LOL! those people were extinct a long time ago before the Arab Muslims conquered all of North-Africa, forcing the real Africans to either die or convert to Islam.

What Islam teaches: Muslim anti-Semites often appeal to several Qur’anic verses castigating Jews. In Suras 2:65 and 7:166 Allah says to a group of Jews, “Be ye apes, despised and rejected.” Muslim anti-Semites worldwide today refer to Jews as “apes” and “pigs” because of this verse and 5:60. Also, in authentic Islamic tradition there is much grounds for antagonism, such as these notorious hadiths: “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him’” (Sahih Bukhari, vol. 4, book 56, no. 2926, and many other places). Another hadith also strikes a chilling note: “When judgment day arrives, Allah will give every Muslim a Jew or Christian to kill so that the Muslim will not enter into hell fire” (Mishkat Al-Messabih, vol. 2, no. 5552.). Click here for more.

Hebrews, who came from what is now called "Iraq", conquered Canaan and established Israel (see the map of Canaan above). Israel existed for over one thousand five hundred years in "Ancient times," until the Romans scattered most of the Jews throughout the world. When Israel existed, it was much bigger than it is now. Israel consisted of what are now Israel, parts of Syria, Jordan, the Sinai, Lebanon, Iraq, and the whole "West Bank" and "Gaza strip." After the Romans scattered the Jews all over the world, Israel ceased to exist. However, some Jews were still left in Israel, which the Romans renamed to "Palestine" in order to keep Jews from returning.

After the Roman Empire broke up, Christianity gained power. Europe became all Christian and all of the Roman Empire became Christian. The East Roman Empire would exist for another 1000 years after the West Roman Empire ceased to exist in 476 CE. In 622 CE, a new religion came into existance. The religion was called Islam.
Picture: Joseph Farah is the founder, editor and chief executive officer of, the world's leading independent news site
Mohammad began to spread Islam in 610 CE. Twelve years later, Mohammad left Mecca after the people living in Mecca thought Mohammad was a danger to them and chased him out. He instead went to Medina and recieved a warm welcome there. He gained support and finally attacked Mecca. Mecca was violently conquered by Mohammad and everyone was converted to Islam. However, this was just the beginning. Soon, Mohammad conquered the rest of the Arabian Peninsula, and then the Middle East, including large parts of Israel, which are now called Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, etc, etc.  The Muslims pushed the Byzentize out and converted everyone to Islam. People, who were conquered, were usually given only two choices: convert to Islam or be killed. Some people practiced their religion secretly, while others fled, but the majority converted to Islam.

Islam soon continued to expand in all directions. It expanded to Northern Africa, Eastern Africa, Central and Southern Asia, and even parts of Europe. Most of the time, people were forcefully converted. When the Muslims got to India, they massacred thousands of Hindus. However, this was only the beginning.

"The name "Palestine", from the Greek Palaistina, originally from the Hebrew Pleshet (Land of the Philistines): a small coastal strip north east of Egypt, also called Philistia. The Roman term "Syria Palaestina" in the 2nd century BCE referred to the southern third of the province of Syria, including the former Judea. The name "Palestine" was revived as an official title when the British were granted a mandate after World War I" - Encyclopedia Britannica ill, Micropaedia, vol. Vll, "Palestine."

However, there were still more Jews living in Israel or "Palestine" then the Arab Muslims, that would usually move often (squatting is encouraged by Islam). The rest of the Jews continued to live scattered throughout the world, until the 1880s.

Zionism was formed in the year 1897. The Zionist national movement was born as a reaction to the terrible anti-Semitism which Jews experienced in Eastern Europe in the 19th century and to recreate Israel and to return the Jews/Hebrews to Israel. Zionism, originally means a movement to unite the Jewish people of the Diaspora (exile) and settle them in "Palestine", were Israel existed. The movement's name is derived from Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was located and which later came to symbolize Jerusalem itself. The term Zionism was first applied to this movement in 1890 by the Austrian Jewish philosopher Nathan Birnbaum.

The two greatest achievements of Zionism in the 20th century are the commitment made by the British government in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the establishment of Israel in 1948.

In the beginning of the 20th century, in Europe, hostility between European countries was growing. It was a period of colonization. Most European countries wanted more land. They also wanted to push the Ottoman Empire out of Europe. In 1914, World War I broke out, starting between the Austria-Hungry Empire against Serbia. Great Britain, France, and Russia fought Germany, Austria-Hungry, and the Ottoman Empire. Later Italy and then America entered the war. In 1917, Great Britain took over parts of the Ottoman Empire including "Palestine." Then, there were no Arab countries. There was just Arabia, Persia, and other regions. The majority of Muslims belonged to tribes.

Great Britain promised in 1917 to recreate Israel. That same year, the Balfour Declaration was issued by Great Britain, which stated the following: "His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

"Palestine" was to have what is now Israel and what is now Jordan included in it. That was the original mandate, which was used from 1917-1922 until the League of Nations met and made the "final" decisions.

Already, violence began to escalate. Mulim mobs began attacking Jews and Jewish settlers. Although this was just the very beginning of what would become a major "Jihad" (Islamic holy war against non-Muslims) against the Jews.

The Balfour Declaration was included in the Mandate for Palestine. In July 1922, the League of Nations entrusted Great Britain with the Mandate for Palestine. Here is an excerpt of the Mandate for Palestine: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self­governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion."

There was to be a Jewish state and everyone was to live in security. "Palestine" would now be the size of modern day Israel (which may soon be made even smaller). The League of Nations, however turned out to be a very corrupt organization. They failed to stop Hitler and the other Nazis from building up a huge army and launching a major war against most of the world. Security in Israel didn't happen. Shortly after, the local Arab population, which was to get much more land than Israel, showed it's support for the mandate.

Muslim mobs began attacking Jewish settlers earlier than 1917. They began killing innocent people for only one reason: because they were Jewish (Islam teaches terrorism against non-Muslims, especially the Jews). This continues even now, almost ninety years later. In 1929, violence became a huge problem. Jewish settlers had no other choice but to defend themselves. After a few years, the Islamic terrorism decreased. However in the late 1930s, the violence again, hit a high. The British responded by nearly halting all Jewish immigration every time violence would escalate.

During World War II, when Palestinian Jews fought on the allied side, the British harshly limited Jewish immigration, largly because of "Arab dissatisfaction." Not only did the British nearly halt immigration, but they sent ships back to Europe. Many of those sent back were captured by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps. This still wasn't the end of British injustice. After the war, the British continued supporting the Arabs, and also limited Jewish immigration. Great Britain, to this day, has not supported Israel in any way.

Picture: taken in 1943 of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini reviewing Bosnian-Muslim troops - a unit of the "Hanjar (Saber) Division" of the Waffen SS which he personally recruited for Hitler.

ISLAMIC SUPPORT FOR HITLER AND THE NAZIS: The Nazis and Muslims share one important thing in common: both hate Jews and both justify genocide. When Hitler rose to power and pledged to kill all the Jews, he got huge support from Muslims. Arafat's uncle did business with the Nazis. The majority of the Muslim population supported the Nazis, while Jews from "Palestine" went to Europe to fight them. Great Britain, continued to be sympathetic to the Muslims even though they were helping the Nazis and it imposed sanctions on the Jews who were on the allied side! 

Picture: A Nazi minister shaking hands with Yassar Arafat's uncle: Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini

In fact if Islamic countries would've been on the allied side, they would've declared war on the Nazis when the war began. The Nazis couldn't attack them, so they had nothing to fear. However, the Islamic countries only declared war on Germany in 1945, when it was very clear that the allies would win.

Hitler made the following declaration, requesting the Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini to lock it deep in his heart: 
1) He ("the Fuehrer") would carry on the fight until the last traces of the Jewish-Communist European hegemony had been obliterated. 
2) In the course of this fight, the German army would - at a time that could not yet be specified, but in any case in the clearly foreseeable future - gain the southern exit of Caucasus. 
3) As soon as this breakthrough was made, the Fuehrer would offer the Arab world his personal assurance that the hour of liberation had struck. Thereafter, Germany's only remaining objective in the region would be limited to the annihilation of the Jews living under British protection in Arab lands.

Cover of the book "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism, Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini," showing a picture of Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini talking to the Nazi president of Germany, Adolf Hitler.

Chuck Morse's book, "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism, Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini," provides the clearest, most incisive history of how Islamo-fascism and Jihad terrorism have become the dominant political philosophy in the Arab world. It is the untold story of how Nazism took root in the Islamic world through the untiring efforts of the mufti of Jerusalem, whose aim it was to destroy the Jews in Palestine. Morse writes:

The Nazi Holocaust appears to have kicked into high gear on Nov. 25, 1941, during a Berlin meeting between the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini (1895-1974) and the Nazi Fuhrer of Germany, Adolf Hitler. At that well-documented meeting, Hitler promised al-Husseini, the Palestinian pan-Arab leader, that after securing a dominant military position in Europe, he would send the Wehrmacht, the Nazi war machine, on a blitzkrieg across the Caucasus and into the Arab world under the guise of liberating the Arabs from British occupation.

It should be noted that merely two months after the Hitler-Husseini meeting, the infamous Wansee Conference took place in which the Nazis produced their plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.

Although Husseini spent the war in Germany, he managed to flee the advancing Allied forces and made his way to Cairo. While the captured Nazi leaders were tried at Nuremberg, Husseini escaped judgment and became the major force in transferring Hitler's program of genocide to the Arab world.

During the war, he had recruited Bosnian Muslims to serve in Nazi-Muslim SS Hanshar brigades which slaughtered Jews and Christian Serbs in Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia. Memory of that slaughter was one of the reasons why the Serbs went after the Bosnian Muslims 50 years later.

After the war, Husseini established working links between Nazis and Arabs in the Muslim world. He also got rid of anyone who stood in his way. That is why moderate Arabs are so rare. Husseini killed most of them.

He began his public career after World War I, when moderate Arab leader Emir Feisal signed an agreement with Chaim Weizmann recognizing the Balfour Declaration, which facilitated the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Feisal believed that a Jewish Palestine would help the newly liberated Arab world develop into modern states with prosperous economies. But Husseini refused to accept a Jewish Palestine, and he instigated pogroms to force the Jewish settlers out. The first pogrom took place in 1920. Morse writes:

In 1921, shortly after the launching of the 1920 pogrom and for reasons that will forever remain shrouded in mystery, Sir Herbert Samuel, a British Jew who had been appointed as British High Commissioner of the Palestine Mandate that same year, appointed al-Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

Picture: Muslims praying outside, behind them is a wall with fascists texts and the Nazi symbol, swastikas.

Despite vigorous opposition to this appointment, Husseini proceeded to instigate violence against the Jews in Palestine and spread hatred of Jews throughout the Arab world, brutally purging any Arab who opposed him. In 1937, Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine and became a full-fledged paid Nazi agent. In 1941, Husseini moved on to Baghdad where he helped organize the pro-Nazi Rachid Ali officers' coup against the British government in Iraq. When the coup failed, Husseini fled to Rome and then to the Third Reich.

One of the Iraqi coup plotters was Gen. Tufah Khariallah – uncle, guardian, mentor and future father-in-law of Saddam Hussein. The mufti was also a mentor to Yasser Arafat, who is believed to be Husseini's nephew.

Picture: cover of the book "Mein Kampf" (similar to the Koran), written by Adolf Hitler, is a best-seller in the Arab World. It is distributed by the Palestinian Authority headed by Yasser Arafat. Yasser Arafat became the disciple of Amin Al Husseini at the age of 17.

Overlooked in the history books is the fact that about 100,000 European Muslims fought on the Nazi side in World War II. They included two Bosnian Muslim Waffen SS Divisions, an Albanian Waffen SS Division in Kosovo and Western Macedonia, the Waffengruppe der-SS Krim, formations consisting of Chechen Muslims from Chechnya, and other Muslim formations in Bosnia-Hercegovina.

Bosnian Muslims, who were in the Croatian pro-Nazi Ustasha, were especially brutal toward the Christian Serbs. In 1943, a report on Ustasha activities stated:

The Ustasha terror began in Mostar. The Ustashi, the majority of them local Mohammedans, are arresting, looking, and shipping off Serbs or killing them and throwing the bodies in the Neretva River. They are throwing Serbs alive into chasms and are burning whole families in their homes. Outside of Zagreb the strongest Ustasha hotbed is Sarajevo. The Muslims committed unbelievable barbarities for they murdered women and children even with scissors.

After reading this book you will have no trouble understanding the origin of Islamo-fascism and Jihad terrorism. The author has packed the book with detailed documentation as well as photographs showing Husseini inspecting his Nazi-Muslim troops. Morse shows how Husseini's legacy of hate and murder – and his aim to destroy Israel – have been carried forth by Arafat and his murderous Palestinian terrorists right to the present. The book is available through

The White Paper: On the eve of World War II, the British government changed its Palestine policy, in an effort to appease the Arab (Muslim) world. The White Paper of May 1939 terminated Britain's commitment to Zionism and provided for the establishment of a "Palestinian" state within ten years. The Arab Muslim majority in "Palestine" was guaranteed by a clause that provided for the further immigration of 75,000 Jews during the following five years. This again caused violence from (Arab) Muslim mobs. The British couldn't send the Jews back to Europe because now all the European countries were somewhat sympathetic to the Jews because six million Jews were killed by the Nazis. Britain, then, decided to build camps in Cyprus. Jews who were caught by the British, attempting to immigrate to Israel, were sent to those camps. The conditions to those camps were horrible. The camps were very un-sanitary. The British tried to hide this from the rest of the world, but the fact was that the conditions weren't much better than in the concentration camps. Those who attempted to escape faced severe punishment. In "Palestine," organizations such as the Irgun, began attacking British in response. However, unlike the Muslims, they attacked only British soldiers, who were responsible for locking Jews up in those camps or who helped the Muslim terrorists. Muslim mobs killed civilians as well as British soldiers much more often. Their targets were usually random.

The 1939 White Paper broke the traditional Anglo-Zionist alliance and provoked many in the Yishuv to violent protest. 

Picture: Muslims in Israel showing support for the Nazis

In May 1942, Zionist leaders meeting at the Biltmore Hotel in New York City demanded a Jewish Democratic Commonwealth—that is, a state—in all of western Palestine as part of the new world order after the war. This “Biltmore program” marked a radical departure in Zionist policy. The Holocaust, the systematic murder of European Jews by the Nazis, finally convinced Western Jewry of the need for a Jewish state (recreation of Israel). In 1944, the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), a Zionist guerrilla force led by the future Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, began an armed revolt against British rule in Palestine.

World War II ended in 1945. Finally, in 1947, the United Nations (created in 1945) took responsibility for "Palestine." They created the Partition plan. The partition plan split "Palestine" up even more. About half was given to the Jews and half was given to the Arabs. Several areas, including Jerusalem, were parts of neither states. They would be controlled by the UN.

The Jews, accepted it. The Arabs threatened to attack the Jews if the Partion happened. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted for the Partion. Israel became a state!

The Arabs sent their "irregulars" to attack Palestinian Jews. The British turned over most of their forts to the Arabs. The Jews didn't give up. They only had two planes from which they could only drop grenades. They managed to get a few more planes to smuggle in weapons from Europe. In early 1948, Israel still hadn't declared its independence because of the threat that several Arab countries would attack it. Israel continued to ship in weapons and the British were now not the main threat.

On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. The British let Jews in the "detainment camps" in Cyprus go and massive immigration began, despite the ongoing war. Several hours after Israel declared its independence, more than five Arab Muslim countries (which outsize more than half of Europe); Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan attacked Israel.

Israel suffered massive casualties. The war continued, but Israel didn't give up. The Muslims were armed with British planes while Israel had only two old planes. However, Israel was determined to defend itself and eventually won the war. The chances were small, but Israel advanced and managed to push back the Muslims who outnumbered them and had better technology at the time. Israel used good military tactics and determination. In 1949, the War of Independence ended and Israel won! However, casualties were high and Islamic terrorists continued infiltrating into Israel and killing civilians.

In 1949, Israel continued to build more farms, cities, and its economy. However, terrorists continued infiltrating it. In the
Picture: Israel in 1949

1950s, a new leader took power in Egypt; Gamal Abd al-Nasser. Nasser pledged to "drive Israel into the sea." The first thing he did was close the Suez Canal to Israel. The world didn't seem to care about that.

Then, in 1956, when he closed the Suez Canal to the whole world claiming that it is Egyptian territory, Great Britain and France asked Israel for help. Israel, of course helped them. That same year, Israel attacked Egypt and moved into the Sinai. Fearing that Israel would continue to advance, Nasser re-opened the canal to the world.

This still did not end terrorism. Terrorists continued to infiltrate into Israel and kill innocent civilians. Meanwhile, the world sat by watching and doing absolutely nothing. However, America began giving Israel planes, because Israel was the only democracy in the whole Middle East. The Soviet Union began helping Islamic countries by supplying them with weapons and even training them. The Soviet Union became a major enemy of Israel and the United States started becoming Israel's only ally. By the 1970s, Israel and America became allies and they are to this day, allies.

In 1967, most of the Arab-Muslim countries (that easily outnumber the total size of Europe) teamed up to attack the only non-Muslim and only democratic state in the Middle East: Israel (which is even smaller than the Netherlands) to destroy. Israel won in six days, that's why that war is the called the Six Day

Picture: Israel shortly after the Six Day war


After the Suez War, Islamic terrorists continued infiltrating into Israel and killing innocent civilians. Nasser, again began threatening to "drive Israel into the sea". Egypt, Syria, and Jordan formed alliances. This time, however, Israel knew that the Arabs were preparing to attack it. As the Arabs were building up their forces, Israel was building up its forces. Israel now had some America technology as well as its own technology and its technology was know better than that of the Arabs. The Arabs again banned Israel from using the Gulf of Aquaba and the Suez Canal.

In June 1967, Israel received word from its intelligence that the Arabs were going to strike any day now. Israel weighed whether or not to carry out a preemptive strike. Early in the morning, on June 4, 1967, Israeli planes flew into Egypt, and destroyed most of the Egyptian air force. During the next few days, Israel destroyed most of Syria's and Jordan's air force. In addition, Israeli launched the ground offensives. In Syria, Israel recaptured the Golan Heights and advanced nearly into Damascus. Israel retook the West Bank (which is often referred to by the biblical names of Judea and Samaria (the largest and most historically important cities in the West Bank are Hebron, Nablus, Jericho, and Bethlehem)). Israel also retook the Gaza Strip and took over the Sinai Peninsula, and advanced nearly toward Cairo. The Soviet Union threatened to attack Israel from it's nuclear submarines. Israel had to stop its advance on June 10, 1967. The final ceasefire lines were drawn by the United Nations shortly after the war. Israel also held Jerusalem, now. Jerusalem became the new Israeli capital, which was in the first place, it's original capital.

However, in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel now ruled over almost one million Jordanians. Israel, however, treated them really well. They gave them money, food, and other important things. Israel didn't annex the West Bank, Gaza, or Sinai, but ruled them with military rule. The rule wasn't harsh. Israel even let 60,000 of the Jordanians that fled into Jordan, return to the West Bank.

After the Six Day War, the governments of Egypt and Jordan named the Jordanian citizens living in the new Israeli territories, "Palestinians." They also gave them a leader, Yassir Arafat, who founded the terrorist movement: "Palestinian Liberation Organization" (PLO).

Jordanian flag   "Palestinian" flag!
Not only did the (Jordanian) Arab-Muslims named themselves "Palestinians" (a name which was given to Israel after the Romans destroyed it) to make the world believe that there is such as a thing as Arab "Palestinian" nation, these Arabs have used their original flag of Jordan without the star as the flag of their fake "Palestinian" country, which is as real as Disney land.

The "Palestinians" got the backing of the USSR very quickly. The "Palestinians" began creating terrorist organizations and began to attack Israel. Terrorists continued to infiltrate into Israel. However, now they could also be among the people.

The terrorist organizations began to smuggle in weapons from nearby Arab countries. Meanwhile, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, were still not satisfied. They began to prepare for war again! Nasser again started saying how Egypt would "drive Israel into the sea.".

Click here to watch the video!

In the fall of 1973, American Intelligence found out that the Arab-Muslims were planning to attack Israel on Yom Kippur (the holiest Jewish holiday). However, the Arab-Muslims found out that America knew and they threatened to impose an oil embargo on America if it told Israel or if Israel preempted. America didn't tell Israel or if it did, asked it to preempt. It also delayed weapons shipments right before the war and only gave Israel the weapons during the war.

At noon, on October 6, 1973, Islamic countries: Egypt, Syria, and Jordan attacked Israel for no other reason that to destroy Israel (Islamic Jihad). The attack was very un-expected. On the Syrian front, there were only two Israeli tanks! However, they didn't retreat or fire at the Syrians. They, instead made it look

Picture: A "Palestinian" Muslim showing support for Bin Ladin, world's most wanted terrorist.
Picture: a Muslim teenager with explosives on a belt: a suicide bomber! BUT HEY, why don't you blame the Zionists instead?

like there were many Israeli tanks, causing the Syrians to retreat! The war continued for a month and in some places, the Arab-Muslims advanced. However, Israel was able to stop the Arab-Muslims advance within a week. Israel suffered over 6000 casualties and although they again advanced almost toward Cairo, Damascus, and into Jordan, the operation was a military failure. Israel continued to hold the same boundaries.

Shortly after the Yom Kippur War, Nasser was replaced by Anwar al-Sadat. Sadat also pledged to "drive Israel into the sea." However, in 1979, he made a peace treaty with Israel. He was assassinated shortly after that. Israel, however was forced to give up the Sinai.

The First Palestinian Intifada, In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a huge increase in Islamic terrorism, not only in Israel, but all over the world. In late June 1976, the "Palestinian" terrorists hijacked an Israeli plane and brought it to Entebbe, Uganda. In Uganda, President Idi Amin (also a Muslim), harbored the terrorists. He even sent troops to the Entebbe airport, where the hostages were being held. Israel planned an

Picture: Muslims burning the flag of Israel and holding a sign, calling for a Jihad (holocaust of non-Muslims) against Israel.

operation called Operation Thunderbolt. Israeli commandos were sent to Uganda. They stormed the Entebbe airport, and saved most of the hostages. There were a few casualties among the hostages and one among the commandos; the brother of Israeli president Benyamin Netanyahu, Yonaton Netanyahu was killed. Since then Israel increased security on its airplanes.

In the early 1980s, the "Palestinians" began to attack Israel frequently. They received help from terrorists in Lebanon and Syria. Hizbullah, was just coming into existence at the time. Yassir Arafat's headquarters were in Beirut, Lebanon. In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon in order to find and hunt down the terrorists. Yassir Arafat was surrounded in Beirut. Israel had a chance to kill him then, but it made a fatal mistake and didn't kill him. Israel arrested many terrorists. However, many Israeli soldiers were killed until Israel's withdraw in 2000 (also a mistake because terrorists began smuggling in weapons). In the mid and late 1980s, terrorism nearly ceased.

Picture: Yitzhak Rabin (prime minister of Israel), USA President Bill Clinton (click here to read more about Clinton's Nazi-like history) and Nazi partner Mufti Haj Amin Husseini's causin, Yassar Arafat.

Oslo Peace Process, In the 1980s and 1990s, new terrorist organizations and new types of terrorist attacks came into existence. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaeda, Hizbullah, and many other terrorist organizations came into existence in the 1980s and early 1990s. In 1992, terrorist began to use "suicide bombings" in which a terrorist would strap explosives to themselves and blow themselves up killing non-Muslims (Jihad, remember?).

In the mid-1990s, the many nieve leaders were elected. Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin decided to take part in the Oslo-"Peace"-Process. As terrorism was again on the rise, Yassir Arafat now began to claim he wanted peace. In Oslo, Norway, there was a meeting between Israel, the "Palestinians," America, and others. It was decided that Israel would give up the West Bank and Gaza to the "Palestinians" and in return, Israel would get security.

Israel also had to dismantle settlements and give control to the "Palestinians." Israel did what it was told while the

Picture: A Hamas rally. Terrorists completely covering themselves up in Ku Klux Klan like clothes. Look at that short person in the Hamas uniform, any guesses on how old he might be? Not older than thirteen for sure.

"Palestinians" only pledged in English, that they would stop terrorism. The Oslo Peace Process was a failure. Terrorism didn't stop at all. In fact during and after Oslo, terrorists continued attacking Israel. Hundreds of Israelis were killed between Oslo and the Second Palestinian Intifada. Yassir Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Peres shared the Nobel Peace Prize together! Israel followed the Oslo Process completely, while the "Palestinians" stated in English that they followed it but they actually promoted, harbored, and continued terrorism.

In 1989, terrorists launched a similar Intifada in India, which continues to this day. In the 1980s and 1990s, Americans were attacked in the Middle East and at home. In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed. There were only six casualties.

In 1996, Benyamin Netanyahu was elected. During the time he was prime minister, there were little terrorist attacks because he gave Yassir Arafat two choices: Be expelled or stop terror. Yassir Arafat got the message for a few years. In 1999, terrorism again began to rise. Benyamin Netanyahu was replaced by Ehud Barak that year.

The Second Palestinian Intifada. When Ehud Barak was elected as the prime minister of Israel, there

Picture: former Israeli prime minister  Ehud Barak, USA President Bill Clinton (click here to read more about Clinton's Nazi-like history) and Nazi partner Mufti Haj Amin Husseini's causin, Yassar Arafat.
Muslims in Israel, holding a coffin and walking on the Israeli and American flags (don't forget the hand shake between Arafat and USA president Clinton!)

was again hope among the majority of the Israeli public that maybe negotiations would work this time. Arafat and Barak met at Camp David in August 2000. Ehud Barak offered Yassir Arafat nearly all of the land conquered during the Six Day War. However, Yassir Arafat refused! Camp David ended with no peace agreement. On September 28, 2000, the "Palestinians" launched the Second Palestinian Intifada. This time, however, it would be much worse. First the "Palestinians" began stoning Israelis and then, shortly after, they began blowing themselves up. The first suicide bombings had occurred in 1992, but they never happened in such high numbers as did those during the Second Intifada. Many times a month, the "Palestinians" began blowing themselves up in suicide bombings killing Israeli civilians.

In early 2001, the majority of the Israeli public noticed the mistake they had made by elected a Leftist. Negotiations didn't work with "former terrorist leader" Yassir Arafat. However, Yassir Arafat was and is to this day a terrorist. Before the early 1990s, it was no secret that he was responsible for terrorist attacks. However in the 1990s, he began claiming that he wanted to negotiate with Israel. He would condemn terrorist attacks in English, but in Arabic, he would praise the terrorists! Finally, in January 2001, Ariel Sharon was elected. In the beginning, he said that he would not negotiate with Yassir Arafat until he stopped terrorism. However, by 2003, Sharon began negotiations with the Palestinian Authority even though terrorism continued.

Picture: "Palestinian" Muslim children showing support for terrorism.

In May 2003, the United States forced Israel and the "Palestinians" to implement "The Roadmap to Peace." Israel was to give up settlements, withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza, and to leave it up to the PA to crack down on terrorism. The "Palestinians" were to stop terrorism, and replace Arafat with "a moderate leader." However, only Israel followed the roadmap, while Yassir Arafat replaced himself with "moderate leaders" such as Mohmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen) who financed the 1972 Olympic Massacre in which eleven Israeli athletes were killed. Mohmoud Abbas "resigned" shortly after. Yassir Arafat then replaced himself with Abu Queria, another "moderate leader," who had been in the Palestinian Authority and a close friend of Arafat for many years.

Israel attacked Syrian targets in October 2003, when a massive terror attack occurred. After the massive terrorist attack on Maxim's restaurant in Haifa, in which twenty people were killed (including four children) and seventy were wounded, Israel retaliated against Islamic Jihad, which had claimed responsibility for the attack. Israel bombed the Gaza Strip, sent tanks into West Bank and Gaza towns, and bombed an Islamic Jihad base in Syria. However, the terrorists had abandoned it and only one terrorist was injured. This was the first major attack on Syria in many years. According to many sources, Syria not only harbors terrorists, but it helps them, gives them money, and also has chemical and possibly biological weapons.

A Muslim holding a picture of terrorist Yassar Arafat and a Koran in his other hand.


Picture: this is the map of "Liberated Palestine" on the official website of the Palestinian National Authority, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. It is the map of the entire State of Israel.

Picture: This is the map of "Liberated Palestine" on Yasser Arafat’s uniform. It is the map of the entire State of Israel and not just "Palestine". Isn't this evidence enough that the Muslims want all of Israel?

Picture: this is the map of "Liberated Palestine" on Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) official emblem. It is the map of the entire State of Israel.

Picture: this is the map of "Liberated Palestine" featured on the official emblem of the Palestinian National Authority’s Ministry of Industry. It is the map of the entire State of Israel.
Israel National Anthem:  Hatikva... "The Hope"
Israel's national anthem:

As long as deep in the heart,
The soul of a Jew yearns,
And forward to the East [
Toward Jerusalem]
To Zion, an eye looks
Our hope will not be lost,
The hope of two thousand years,
To be a free nation in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

Picture: this is the map of "Liberated Palestine" in the official Palestinian Authority’s education system schoolbooks. It is the map of the entire State of Israel. Page 64 of the Palestinian Authority’s official 5th grade school book: "there’s no Israel"

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The "Palestinian" anthem:

My country , my country
My country, the land of my grand fathers
My country, my country
My country, my nation, the nation of eternity
With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my revenge
The longing of my blood to my land and home
I have climbed the mountains and fought the wars
I have conquered the impossible, and crossed the frontiers
My country, my country, the nation of eternity
With the resolve of the winds and the fire of the guns
And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle
Palestine is my home, Palestine is my fire, Palestine is my revenge and the land of eternal
My country, my country, the nation of eternity
I swear under the shade of the flag
To my land and nation, and the fire of pain
I will live as a guerrilla, I will go on as guerrilla, I will expire as guerrilla until I will be back
My country, my country, the nation of eternity

Proposed "Palestinian" Anthem ... Violence and Blood!

Nothing about Hope.  Only about blood, fighting and revenge!

Islam is a religion of peace and Zionism is bad?


This is the map of "Liberated Palestine" as a statuette displayed at the Principal’s room in a school in the Palestinian town of Tulkarm. A dagger is thrust in the "heart" of the land. Blood trickles from the wound and irrigates the plant of the Palestinian State. It is the map of the entire State of Israel.
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