This Cyber Begging site is owned by Tammy.
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Just $1
My family has really fallen on some hard times.  All of our utility bills and even our rent is way past due.  One car is completely broke down and the other is getting ready to drop its transmission.  My kids need clothes and shoes (among other things).  We are just so far behind on everything and my husband will be layed off for the winter soon.  I am disabled and on Social Security, but that only goes so far.

I guess you're probably wondering why I am doing this...Well, I'm despirate and honestly don't know what else to do.  We have tried everything.  My husband is working all the hours he can, but we still can't get caught back up.

I am asking that everyone that reads this donates $1 to our family.  If enough people do this we will be back on our feet in no time. 

I would like to assure you that any money we receive beyond what we need will be donated to a local womens shelter.  We just want to get our finances in order enough that we are able to get our bills back up to date and get the things the kids really need, not get rich.

You can donate money throug paypal.  Send to .  Or mail check, money order, or cash to
T Arnold
808 11th St. North
Grand Junction, IA 50107

Of course prayers are always welcome and appreciated.
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My Favorite Links: Yahoo! PayPal Yahoo! Photos Yahoo! Greetings My Info: Name: Tamara Arnold Email: You dollar could mean a whole new life for my family.