Falcon Division
15th Infanterie Regiment/29th Panzer Grenadier Division

Falcon Division

Unit History


Photo Gallery


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Welcome to our website. Our regiment was formed in 1988 and we participate in the historical representation of the German Soldaten during World War II. Our members generally live in Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, and Kentucky. There is no fee involved for joining our unit. We educate the public about the training and requirements of the common German soldier who was serving his country as any nation's soldier would. We have had WWII veterans walk up to us at events and tell us interesting accounts about how they respected the regular German soldier. These veterans possess a great amount of knowledge about the uniforms, weapons, awards, and equipment of the Wehrmacht we portray and it is indeed a great honor to talk to these experienced soldiers whereby we learn many stories and ways to improve our impressions. We are not a political organization and do not have any desire to be a part of the Nazi party.

We represent the 15.Infanterie Regiment of the 29.Panzer Grenadier Division (Falcon Division) and currently have 3 squads (gruppe) formed. Our re-enactment unit is comprised of individuals from various professions and backgrounds. Most of our members are experienced collectors and have been in military re-enactment for several years. Participation is made in several events throughout the year and in addition to the WWII Axis impression--many of our members participate in WWI, WWII Allied, and Civil War re-enactment events.

Racism, political extremes, and illegal drug use is not tolerated by our unit. We have a high commitment to the hobby and our purpose is to portray the German Soldaten as accurately as possible. The Falcon Division is not a para-military or any sort of militia group. If you are interested in joining our unit, submit your request to our Adjutant (e-mail to the left) for forwarding to our Commanding Officer--Hauptfeldwebel Peter Gaut.

Please browse our site and send us some email concerning enlistment questions, improvements to our site, and any other additional information requests you may have.

This site last updated: 24 June 2003