The medicine we use: Relpax. Online medicine buyers need to be prepared. Our mental health. What we like more - our fat or our health? Learning more about dental treatment in friendly private clinic.

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The medicine we use: Relpax.

Relpax: uses

Relpax is used to treat migraines when they occur. It helps to relieve headaches, pain, and other symptoms of migraines, including nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light/sound. Prompt treatment allows we to get back to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Relpax does not prevent future migraines or reduce how often you may get a migraine.

Relpax belongs to a group of drugs called " triptans. " Migraines are thought to occur when certain blood vessels in brain become swollen ( dilated ) . Relpax works by helping blood vessels in the brain to return to normal size. It may also blo ...

Teaching health

Online medicine buyers need to be prepared

Online medicine buyers need to be prepared

Millions of consumers are using the Internet to get health information. And thousands of web sites are offering health information. Some of those sites are reliable and up-to-date; some are not. How can you tell the good from the bad?

Be sure your privacy is protected: look for privacy and security policies that are easy-to-find and easy-to-understand. Don't give any personal information such as social security number, credit card, or medical or health history, unless you are sure the website will keep your information safe and private.

Drug interactions with food and beverages, for example, taking quinolone antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin with food and drinks such as colas, coffee, and chocolate that contain caffeine may cause excitability and nervousness. There can be a potentially fatal increase in blood pressure if food containing tyramine is eaten when taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors, drugs that treat mood disorders.

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Our mental health

Our mental health

As long as there's a good reason for fear or anxiety, and it doesn't interfere with the ability to work, play, and socialize, it is not considered a problem. But when anxiety takes on a life of its own and begins to disrupt everyday activities, the situation is no longer normal. A genuine emotional disorder is now at work... and it's time to see a doctor.

Thousands of scientific studies over the past several years show that high blood pressure, ulcers, migraine headaches, strokes, alcoholism, depression, anger, fatigue, drug addiction and many other medical conditions are often due to the long-term effects of stress.

Depressed people will seem sad, or "down," or may be unable to enjoy their normal activities. They may have no appetite and lose weight (although some people eat more and gain weight when depressed). They may sleep too much or too little, have difficulty going to sleep, sleep restlessly, or awaken very early in the morning. They may speak of feeling guilty, worthless, or hopeless; they may lack energy or be jumpy and agitated. They may think about killing themselves and may even make a suicide attempt. Some depressed people have delusions (false, fixed ideas) about poverty, sickness, or sinfulness that are related to their depression. Often feelings of depression are worse at a particular time of day, for instance, every morning or every evening.

Although anxiety disorders take several distinct forms, certain general symptoms tend to appear in all of them. When discussing their condition, people with anxiety disorders often report the following: - cold/clammy hands - diarrhea - dizziness - dry mouth - fast pulse - fatigue - jitteriness - lump in the throat - muscle aches - numbness/tingling of hands, feet, or other body part - racing or pounding heart - rapid breathing - shakiness - sweating - tension - trembling - upset stomach

By learning more about brain circuitry involved in fear and anxiety, scientists may be able to devise new and more specific treatments for anxiety disorders. For example, it someday may be possible to increase the influence of the thinking parts of the brain on the amygdala, thus placing the fear and anxiety response under conscious control.

Many people with anxiety disorders benefit from joining a self-help group and sharing their problems and achievements with others. Talking with trusted friends or a trusted member of the clergy can also be very helpful, although not a substitute for mental health care. Participating in an Internet chat room may also be of value in sharing concerns and decreasing a sense of isolation, but any advice received should be viewed with caution.

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What we like more - our fat or our health?

What we like more - our fat or our health?

Many people may actually be overfat but not overweight. Fat can also be hidden throughout the body. A person may be overfat without the appearance of being overweight. As we age, muscle tissue is replaced with fat. This occurs despite regular exercise.

Obesity is a chronic disease that affects many people and often requires long-term treatment to promote and sustain weight loss. As in other chronic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, long-term use of prescription medications may be appropriate for some individuals

Over the short term, weight loss in obese individuals may reduce a number of health risks. Studies looking at the effects of appetite suppressant medication treatment on obesity-related health risks have found that some agents lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, triglycerides (fats) and decrease insulin resistance (the body's inability to use blood sugar) over the short term. Long-term studies are currently being done to determine if weight loss from appetite suppressant medications can improve health.

Because appetite suppressant medications are used to treat a condition that affects million of people, many of whom are basically healthy, their potential for side effects is of great concern. Most side effects of these medications are mild and usually improve with continued treatment.

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