There is no evidence that bin Laden isn't actually angered by the specific foreign policies he complains about.

He has talked about specific US foreign policies as the reason why he advocates attacking the US. Some people make the claim that bin Laden doesn't really care about US support of Israel. They want others to think that bin LAden is "just saying it", they want you to think bin Laden doesn't really object personally to the policies he says he objects to. It is extremely unlikely that bin Laden didn't actually object to the specific foreign policies that he complains about, millions and millions of other people object to the same policies, by what "logic" would it be that bin Laden would be in the extremely small minority that "doesn't care" about the policies or thinks they are fine?

9/11 Motives

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Osama bin Laden's motives. There is no evidence that bin Laden isn't actually angered by the specific foreign policies that he and others have complained about and have clearly stated for years. Read more here

Someone on the Internet argued, " Bin Laden might well claim other causes if he couldn't claim the ones he's got, but it's a real mistake to think that the societal response to him would be the same. He's picked causes that wide swaths of people share, and it doesn't really matter whether he believes in them or not, so long as the people who support him (both actively and passively) share the views he is presenting. If we work to take away the grievances, we undermine his support."

There is no evidence that bin Laden isn't actually angered by the specific foreign policies that he and others have complained about and have clearly stated for years. Specific foreign policies that wrong millions of people in the Middle East and which millions of people in the Middle East object to even if they may not share the same fundamentalist interpretation of Islam or even follow basic Islamic practices at all. Also a grievance shared by millions of people who think it is wong to repsond to the policies with the use of terrorism. It is extremely unlikely that bin Laden didn't actually object to the specific foreign policies that he complains about, millions and millions of other people object to the same policies, by what "logic" would it be that bin Laden would be in the extremely small minority that "doesn't care" about the policies or thinks they are fine? The claim that bin Laden isn't actually angered by the US foreign policies is a contrived argument obviously to serve as a means to keep the foreign policies from being focused on.

I agree with you that the if we take away the grievances by ending the specific foreign policies we undermine the support for attacks that bin Laden has repeatedly said are carried out with the intention of ending the specific foreign policies. It is important to point out that US officials serve special interests that want the foreign policies to continue so they feed the public a lie that the attacks are about anything else but the specific foreign policies.
It is the shared grievances that are the motive for the attacks.

The man who conceived and directed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, was motivated by his strong disagreement with American support for Israel.
His name is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his motivation for the crime of the 9/11 attacks was his objection to the US foreign policy of supporting Israel said the final report of the Sept. 11 Commission.

"After he was captured in Pakistan in early 2003, he told his interrogators that although he had developed no special complaint about America in his years here, he [ Khalid Shaikh Mohammed ] felt strongly that U.S. support of Israel was wrong and could be corrected by attacking the United States,"" reports New York Times writer Terry McDermott.

The ring leader of the September 11th suicide hijackers also held the same grievance. Mohamed Atta coordinated the other 9/11 terrorists and he was a pilot who flew into the WTC. Ralph Bodenstein, who traveled, worked and talked a lot with Mohamed Atta, is quoted as describing Mohamed Atta as "most imbued actually about Israeli politics in the region and about US protection of these Israeli politics in the region. And he was to a degree personally suffering from that."

This motive is shared by the terrorists who first attacked the World Trade Center in 1993. The terrorists sent a letter to the New York Times after attacking the WTC,� "We declare our responsibility for the explosion on the mentioned building.� This action was done in response for the American political, economical, and military support to Israel the state of terrorism and to the rest of the dictator countries in the region.

Someone wrote, When did Osama bin Laden ever live in Palestine? And why should we believe he speaks for the Palestinians? Abdallah Azzam was born in Palestine and he was an "early spiritual mentor" of Osama bin Laden. (see page 2 of "Al-Qaeda" by Jason Burke ) Stop trying to fool the public about why we are being attacked. Your "reasoning" is obviously to serve Israel.

There is no evidence that bin Laden isn't actually angered by the specific foreign policies he complains about.

It is extremely unlikely that bin Laden didn't actually object to the specific foreign policies that he complains about, millions and millions of other people object to the same policies, by what "logic" would it be that bin Laden would be in the extremely small minority that "doesn't care" about the policies or thinks they are fine?

There is no logical reason to think bin Laden was not in agreement with an "early spiritual mentor", Abdallah Azzam, about Palestine. See It is extremely unlikely that bin Laden didn't actually object to the specific foreign policies that he complains about

The threat we face can be removed if we look at the situation honestly and fix what is wrong. or that page here

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